Our specialist global healthcare team supports clients on some of Europe's largest healthcare transactions, advising on M&A, investments regulation, real estate, and operations.
Working with operators of hospitals, outpatient chains and care homes, our corporate team advises on acquisitions, sales, reorganisations, joint ventures. Working with leading practitioners in venture capital and private equity, it advises on minority and majority investments into healthcare assets and portfolios.
Our holistic approach extends to our work with in-house specialist teams across tax and real estate. Our tax specialist team assist with transaction structuring as well as ongoing corporate and management tax advice. Our experienced real estate team work with many clients operating across multiple sites and provides project management and due diligence on complex legal matters relating to development, planning, and environmental law.
Our expertise in regulatory and clinical requirements is a driver of our clients' success and a critical factor in building, protecting, and maintaining their reputation. We advise on the regulation of healthcare facilities, mental health act compliance, professional regulation of HCP's, and merger control and state aid advice. Our life sciences lawyers advise on medical device regulations and pharmaceutical products used in healthcare practices.
We support clients across all commercial operations, from contracts and IP to employment, staff immigration, and debt finance. We advise on commercial and public sector contracts, deliver aligned employment solutions, and have a team of borrower focused debt finance lawyers able to provide sector-specific debt finance from mainstream clearers, specialist lenders, and debt funds.
Our expertise spans the whole spectrum of investing in and operation of hospitals, including the establishment of public-private partnerships, outsourcing models, and partnerships with medical technology companies. The team is experienced in negotiating with public authorities, policymakers, and insurers, supporting clients on hospital planning, financing, and state aid issues.
We have one of the strongest specialist teams within the outpatient sector, handling over 100 transactions in just ten years. Our global expertise ensures both clients and investors benefit from comprehensive support on regulatory and transactional structuring of medical care networks, including licensing procedures.
Our social care experts work with operators and investors, providing support at all stages of a legal transaction, including corporate M&A (share deals, business deals and joint ventures), advising on regulatory matters, real-estate (advising developers and operators), and post-merger integration. We manage all legal issues relating to senior living and care home operations, maintaining contact with authorities on licensing and service provision.
Taylor Wessing hat die Oberberg Gruppe bei der erfolgreichen Refinanzierung ihrer bisherigen Kreditlinien beraten. Daneben dient die neue Finanzierung auch dem Erwerb von Add-on Akquisitionen. Hierzu gehört die international renommierte Privatklinik Jägerwinkel am Tegernsee, die mit ihrem Angebot der integrativ-ganzheitlichen Psychosomatik mit Schwerpunkt auf der interdisziplinären Schmerztherapie das Behandlungsspektrum der Gruppe erweitert. Zudem wurden die Panorama Fachklinik, ein Akutkrankenhaus für Psychosomatik, und die Privatklinik Hubertus im Allgäu, eine Fachklinik für Psychosomatik, Psychotherapie und Naturheilverfahren, erworben. Zusammen verstärken die Targets insbesondere Oberbergs geographische Präsenz und Klinik-Portfolio im süddeutschen Raum.
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