Unsere Kampagnen und Online Tools

Unsere Tools

Advertising Medical Devices European Comparison Tool

Our Advertising Medical Devices European Comparison Tool has been built for companies looking to promote their medical device products in Europe.

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Advertising Medical Devices European Comparison Tool

Our Advertising Medical Devices European Comparison Tool has been built for companies looking to promote their medical device products in Europe.

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Zum Digital Legislation Tracker

Unser Digital Legislation Tracker umfasst alle neuen Gesetze zum Thema KI in der EU, im Vereinigten Königreich und in Deutschland sowie weitere Themen.

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European Restructuring & Insolvency tool

Updated for 2023, our unique online tool compares and contrasts regimes across 23 European jurisdictions, providing clear and practical information that's been refreshed by our own experts and partner firms.

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MDR Medical Device Checker

Our MDR Medical Device Checker assesses the likelihood of your product falling within the scope of the Medical Devices Regulation.

Access our MDR Medical Device Checker



Play: fifth edition

The fifth edition of our Play Guide reflects the key issues facing businesses in the video game and gambling sectors today. We created this edition with a range of industry players in mind from developers (including indies as well as larger studios), publishers (across all platforms), and operators, to founders, investors and brand licensors.

Access the full guide here




Analysis and exploration of legal and commercial issues in tech, IP, media and related sectors.



Global data hub logo

Global Data Hub

Unsere Datenschutz-Microsite mit monatlich etwa 30.000 Besuchern ist eine zentrale Anlaufstelle für aktuelle, internationale Informationen zum Datenschutzrecht. Sie bietet praktische Einblicke, Denkanstöße und Anleitungen zum Datenschutzrecht. Alle Inhalte des Content-Hub sind kostenlos verfügbar. 

Global Data Hub


Check-in guides

Guides for overseas investors looking to invest in the UK, Germany and the Netherlands.

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The new dynamics of the digital consumer economy.

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