Unser Patentrechtsteam arbeitet mit internationalen, technologiegesteuerten und innovativen Unternehmen zusammen.
Ob Start-up oder global aufgestellter Konzern: Sie vertrauen unserer Expertise und setzen auf das Beratungs-Know-how unserer Expertinnen und Experten für Life Sciences und Technologie – von Pharma, Präzisionsmedizin, personalisierter Medizin und Medizinprodukten über Telekommunikation, Chemie, Elektronik und Software bis hin zu Automotive, einschließlich der damit verbundenen Fragen der Digitalisierung und Künstlichen Intelligenz.
Unsere Anwältinnen und Anwälte vertreten unsere Mandanten in vielfach internationalen Cross-Border- Patentverletzungsverfahren, Vindikationsverfahren sowie Arbeitnehmererfinderverfahren und wirken in parallelen Nichtigkeits- und Einspruchsverfahren mit. Wir beraten und verhandeln Patentlizensierungsverträge, F&E-Kooperationen sowie Know-how-Verträge und beraten im Rahmen von Vertragsstreitigkeiten.
Kompetenz und Erfahrung sind wesentlich für den Erfolg unserer Mandanten. Mit unserem tiefen Verständnis für nationale und internationale Patentrechtsfragen entwerfen wir globale Strategien, die den Wert des geistigen Eigentums unserer Mandanten sichern und maximieren.
Apotex on the sale of six European subsidiaries in Belgium, Poland, the Netherlands, Czech Republic and Spain, to Aurobindo for EUR74 million. This highly complex transaction involved the share transfer of subsidiaries in multiple jurisdictions being co-ordinated and managed by our UK team. We simultaneously advised on a multitude of business separation, ongoing product supply agreements and IP licences for the European business to continue operating after being removed from the Apotex group.
Umfassende Beratung eines führenden internationalen Gesundheitsunternehmen in einer Vielzahl von Rechtsgebieten einschließlich Pharmarecht und Patente.
Kanzlei des Jahres für IP
TOP Kanzlei für Patentrecht
Recipient of six awards: European Copyright & Design Firm of the Year, Copyright & Design Firm of the Year (France), Impact Case of the Year (x3), and European Cross-border Patent Litigation Team of the Year.
IP Litigation Lawyer of the Year in the United Kingdom
Intellectual Property - Design & Trade Secrets
Judith Krens has been included in the top 250 Women in IP for 2020/2021.
"The Impact Case of the Year" for Actavis v ICOS case, where we acted for Mylan in relation to litigation on two patents relating to Lilly's blockbuster drug Cialis® (tadalafil).
Intellectual Property
Law firm of the year 2019 Czech Republic
"Impact Case of the Year" for Warner-Lambert v Generics (UK) (Mylan) case concerning the validity and infringement of a patent claiming the use of pregabalin for the treatment of neuropathic pain
"Impact Case of the Year" for Teva v Gilead case concerning Gilead's supplementary protection certificates for Truvada
Hungarian 'Legal Team of the Year 2018 in IP Law'
European Trade Mark Firm of the Year
Aktuelle News & Insights
The impact of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) on national patent litigation
In the first episode of Patent Perspectives, Paul England sits down with leaders from our patents group to discuss the impact of the UPC on Germany, Ireland and the United Kingdom.
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The EU pharmaceutical package: a reform project between progress and open questions
Effects of the new German Medical Research Act on Clinical Trials
The challenges of green branding
von Marie Keup
Game over for the divisional game?
Unsere Tools
Kanzlei des Jahres für IP
TOP Kanzlei für Patentrecht
Recipient of six awards: European Copyright & Design Firm of the Year, Copyright & Design Firm of the Year (France), Impact Case of the Year (x3), and European Cross-border Patent Litigation Team of the Year.
IP Litigation Lawyer of the Year in the United Kingdom
Intellectual Property - Design & Trade Secrets
Judith Krens has been included in the top 250 Women in IP for 2020/2021.
"The Impact Case of the Year" for Actavis v ICOS case, where we acted for Mylan in relation to litigation on two patents relating to Lilly's blockbuster drug Cialis® (tadalafil).
Intellectual Property
Law firm of the year 2019 Czech Republic
"Impact Case of the Year" for Warner-Lambert v Generics (UK) (Mylan) case concerning the validity and infringement of a patent claiming the use of pregabalin for the treatment of neuropathic pain
"Impact Case of the Year" for Teva v Gilead case concerning Gilead's supplementary protection certificates for Truvada
Hungarian 'Legal Team of the Year 2018 in IP Law'
European Trade Mark Firm of the Year