Recommended lawyer – Dispute Resolution: "Dr. Zoltán Novák is an excellent lawyer with a versatile education. Working with him is always pleasant, he is inspiring, straightforward and honest and always very helpful. Zoltán’s working capacity is enormous. It is always a pleasure to work with him."
Zoltán Novák hat umfassendes Know-how in den Bereichen geistiges Eigentum und IT-Recht, Dispute Resolution sowie Arbeitsrecht. Zusätzlich verfügt er über Erfahrung in Compliance-Angelegenheiten.
Als echter Experte für Rechtsstreitigkeiten im Bereich des geistigen Eigentums und der internationalen Handelsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit wurde er als ein "Dynamo der Streitbeilegung" bezeichnet.
Zoltán Novák ist für eine Reihe nationaler und internationaler Klient:innen aus verschiedenen Branchen wie Technologie, Gesundheitswesen, Medien und Kunst tätig. Für die Beratung bei großen IP-Transaktionen wurden er und sein Team mit dem ungarischen Award „Legal Team of the Year 2018 in IP Law“ von Wolters Kluwer ausgezeichnet. Regelmäßig veröffentlicht er Beiträge zu aktuellen Rechtsfragen in wissenschaftlichen Publikationen und Industrie-Fachzeitschriften. Darüber hinaus spricht er häufig auf Konferenzen, leitet Workshops und hält Gastvorträge an verschiedenen juristischen Fakultäten. Er hat an der Universität Debrecen promoviert und spricht Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch und Russisch.
Recommended lawyer – Dispute Resolution: "Dr. Zoltán Novák is an excellent lawyer with a versatile education. Working with him is always pleasant, he is inspiring, straightforward and honest and always very helpful. Zoltán’s working capacity is enormous. It is always a pleasure to work with him."
Recommended lawyer – Dispute Resolution: "I’ve worked with partner Zoltan Novak since he joined the firm as a junior associate. He is remarkable. His English-language work product is superior to that of most native English speakers. He is thoughtful and creative. Technically, he is local counsel, but his contributions to the case far exceed those of the typical local counsel. He is good with details, but is also good at keeping his eyes on the big picture."
Recommended lawyer – Dispute Resolution: "Dr. Zoltan Novak – game changer in our international litigation centered in Washington, D.C. who has become so respected by the U.S. court that he is asked by the judge to approach the bench to assist with issues. Not even U.S. lawyers get that privilege when in U.S. courts."
Recommended lawyer - Employment (Hungary), Dispute resolution (Hungary)
Leading individual (Silver): Always abreast of all the latest developments in IP law locally and internationally, Novák is an ace when it comes to trademark enforcement matters and IP-driven transactions and is a noted life sciences expert.
Hungarian 'Legal Team of the Year 2018 in IP Law'
Gelistet in WTR Trademark Review 2019 als 'silver tier': "Wearing the captain’s armband, Zoltán Novák is a dispute resolution dynamo with a focus on the energy, media and communications and real estate
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