Colin is an employment law specialist in the Employment, Pensions and Mobility group. He advises employers and employees on a wide spectrum of contentious and non-contentious employment law in the UK. His work regularly involves assisting clients in the handling workplace conflict and guiding clients on discrimination and whistleblowing legislation. Colin is experienced in helping clients to comply with the requirements of TUPE, the management of redundancy and restructuring exercises and changing terms and conditions of employment. He also regularly assists with international and cross-border employment issues.
A hotel purchsaer on the employment implications of a large hotel purchase, including advising on and assisting with obligations under TUPE and redundancy implications.
A large energy company providing guidance on the application of TUPE to employees working overseas affected by an international corporate merger.
An international business based in China on the changing of terms and conditions of UK employees.
An investment company on employment aspects of multi-million pound investment.
A company entering into insolvency on the employment aspects arising, liaising with the administrators appointed and assisting with consultation with affected employees.
A high-ranking sports executive on negotiating the employment package and contract terms.
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