10. April 2024
RED Alert - Spring 2024 – 2 von 4 Insights
Welcome to the second edition of RED Alert of 2024.
Also featuring in this month's update:
Blackhorse Investments (Borough) Limited v The Mayor and Burgesses of the London Borough of Southwark [2024] UKUT 33 (LC), 2024 WL 00410085
Modification of Restrictive Covenants in a Long Lease
The Upper Tribunal (Lands Tribunal) reviewed its own decision to modify restrictive covenants in a lease and decided its original decision was wrong.
This case concerned a 2 storey building which formerly comprised of a public house on the ground floor and residential premises above. There was also some surrounding land. The freehold interest was owned by Southwark Borough Council (Southwark) and the leasehold interest by Blackhorse Investments (Blackhorse). The lease was granted for a term of 99 years from 1966 (the Lease).
The pub business failed and closed in 2019. Despite Blackhorse's efforts to find another pub tenant, there was no interest.
On 29 May 2020, Southwark, in its capacity as local planning authority and not as Blackhorse's landlord, granted planning permission for the demolition of the pub and a new building comprising of 6 storeys with a pub/commercial premises on the ground floor and residential flats above.
However, in order for the planning permission to be implemented, there needed to be modifications to the Lease to prevent any breach of lease covenants by Blackhorse. An application was therefore made to the Tribunal on 9 September 2021 under section 84 of the Law of Property Act 1925 (the Section 84 Application).
This provision is more commonly seen in respect of freehold land which is burdened by restrictive covenants which benefit other land. However, it is equally applicable to leasehold land provided:
The Lease satisfied these conditions and so it was open to Blackhorse to apply for modification of the leasehold covenants.
However, covenants can only be modified if they are negative or restrictive in nature and relate to user. There is no jurisdiction to modify positive covenants. There are various grounds that may be relied upon including that the covenant is obsolete or impedes a reasonable user of land.
However, this case concerned the process and whether or not the covenants were negative or positive in nature.
The lease covenants which needed to be modified to allow the development to proceed were as follows:
The solicitor acting for Blackhorse personally delivered a copy of the Section 84 Application to Southwark at the address shown in their title at the Land Registry. Unfortunately, it seems that the papers were lost and never came to the attention of the Property department.
As a result, Southwark did not object to the Section 84 Application and so it was dealt with on paper without a hearing. The covenants were duly modified by an order dated 24 February 2022 (the Order) following which the demolition and re-building works went ahead. The residential apartments were duly let on new subleases.
On 1 November 2023, Southwark applied to have the Order set aside and for an extension of time to object to the application on the following grounds:
The Tribunal rejected all these grounds except for the last ground. It accepted the following:
and so could not be modified pursuant to s84.
No point was taken by Southwark in relation to clause 3(k) which restricted alterations which could be modified. The Tribunal also amended the modification to clause 3(n) to the extent it restricted the use to "a licensed victualling house only."
The reality of the outcome of the decision is that Blackhorse could continue operating the premises as developed. As the Judge said, "The Tribunal’s order will then properly reflect the parties’ rights as they have been since the order of 24 February 2022 was made." Perhaps a missed opportunity for Southwark but this can only be attributed to the fact that the Section 84 Application was lost internally. In any event, the premises are clearly being better utilised as developed.
10. April 2024
von Emma Archer
10. April 2024
von Saleem Fazal MBE
10. April 2024
von Stephen Burke
10. April 2024
von Alicia Convery
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