6. November 2023
The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities released guidance on 19 October 2023 on the criteria for determining whether a building is a higher-risk building (HRB) (the Guidance). The Guidance relates to the definition of an HRB during: (1) the design and construction of new HRBs; (2) building work in existing HRBs (including those that become HRBs as a result of the building work); and (3) the occupation phase in the higher-risk regime.
Looking first at (1) the design and construction of new HRBs, the Guidance confirms that "to understand whether a proposed new building is a higher-risk building, the Building Act 1984, the Building Safety Act 2022 [(BSA)] and the Higher-Risk Buildings (Description and Supplementary Provisions) Regulations 2023 [(the Regulations)] need to be considered together." For the design and construction part of the regime, HRBs are defined as buildings with at least two residential units; care homes, and hospitals; which are at least 18 metres in height or have at least 7 storeys.
3 key criteria are set, all of which need to be considered, when determining if a proposed new building is an HRB:
(2) Building work in relation to existing HRBs
With reference (2), the Guidance sets out the criteria for a building to be considered an HRB during building work to an existing HRB, to an existing building which will make it an HRB (for example adding storeys) or to a building undergoing a change of use which brings it within scope. To understand whether a building is within scope a similar analysis to that in (1) must be undertaken, noting that building work to an existing building may bring it within scope.
The guidance sets out criteria for a building to be an HRB in the occupation phase of the higher-risk regime. HRBs for the in-occupation requirements under Part 4 of BSA are defined in section 65 of the BSA and in the Regulations. The obligations in Part 4 of the BSA largely apply to occupied buildings, therefore this is referred to as the "in occupation" part of the regime. For the "in occupation" part of the regime, HRBs are defined as buildings with at least two residential units, which are at least 18 metres in height or have at least 7 storeys. In contrast to the regimes in (1) and (2), exclusions during the in-occupation phase include where the entire building is used as a hospital or a care home.
The Building Safety Act 2022 (BSA) received Royal Assent on 28 April 2022, with many of its provisions coming into force on 28 June 2022. The remaining provisions are coming into force by way of staggered implementation, with detail as to how the regime will work provided by further regulation. Our recent update examining aspects of this new legislation can be found here, and provides further background and detail on the regime in general and certain points discussed in this article .
According to the explanatory notes to the BSA, its objectives are "to learn the lessons from the Grenfell Tower fire and strengthen the whole regulatory system for building safety". The BSA contains 6 parts and 11 schedules aimed at addressing a range of issues relating to building safety and standards. The regime is so far untested in lending transactions therefore no clear way has yet emerged as to how to best approach the issues in the context of finance documents.
We anticipate its impact will be felt in a number of different types of financings including financings of construction projects for new buildings, financings for acquisitions of buildings which are in scope and refinancing of existing buildings/building portfolios which are subject to the regime.
The key themes that are being promoted in the new regime and that may be relevant to lending transactions were discussed in Taylor Wessing's article referred to above and include:
The Gateways Approval Process and the Golden Thread are considered below, with a focus on their potential impact on lending transactions, noting that other aspects of the regime, while likely to have an impact on lending transactions, are not considered here.
The new "Gateway regime" incorporates three stages, which require the seeking of approval from the BSR at decision-making points during the process of construction/significant refurbishment to HRBs, although it should be noted that at planning stage the BSR, which sits within the Health and Safety Executive, is a statutory consultee, rather than the decision-maker.
The secondary legislation implementing the Gateway 2 and 3 building control process sets out time frames for the BSR to provide its response: 12 weeks for new builds, 2 weeks for refurbishments at Gateway 2; and 3 weeks at Gateway 3. BSR approval will also be required for any "major change" during the construction, with a further period of 6 weeks reserved for the BSR response. This elongation of the timetable in relation to a construction/refurbishment project will need to be factored into the construction/refurbishment process and financing and repayment timetables.
In addition, the interface between the issue of a Completion Certificate from the BSR and "Practical Completion" will need to be addressed. The Completion Certificate is a key document – without it, the HRB cannot be physically occupied without being registered and registration can only take place once the Completion Certificate from the BSR has been issued. Any significant delay to "Practical Completion" and failure to meet the "Required Completion Date" is also likely to be an event of default under the relevant facility therefore there will need to be an agreed position on how to address delays caused by the implementation of the Gateway regime in this context.
Given the importance to the lender of thorough due diligence over the property and the planned development, and the importance placed on monitoring the development of the property, access to a greater suite of documentation may be considered very welcome. The borrower will be required to comply with the BSA through the "compliance with laws" undertaking, but the lender will want to be in a position to understand if the regime is being complied with throughout the term of any loan affected by the regime, and will be able to use information undertakings, conditions precedent and other protections within the loan agreement to do so. Access to further tranches of the facility within a development financing could be made to be conditional on the satisfaction of provision of the required information at each stage. In addition, from a reputational perspective, a lender would not wish to be seen to be funding a new build development where it is not in compliance with the new regime.
It is not yet clear what impact the BSA will have on finance documents, and it is noted that certain provisions of the BSA are yet to come fully into force. We anticipate the impact is likely to be felt in two main ways:
To discuss the issues raised in this article in more detail, please contact a member of our Banking and Finance team.
von Annie Harvey
von mehreren Autoren
von Jasmine Robinson und Annie Harvey