
Future mobility

New technologies are facilitating a revolution in transport and mobility which can have a real impact on rural and urban communities, enhancing connectivity and reducing congestion and air pollution. We look at future mobility solutions including AEVs, drones and ride-hailing apps, and at the legal framework which should facilitate but sometimes holds back their growth.

August 2019

6 Insights

6 Insights

City planning in light of future mobility trends

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Drone safety: A drone's eye view of the latest UK and EU regulations

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Future mobility and the gig economy: changes to the worker status test enroute?

There has been increasing analysis of the employment rights of those working in the gig economy. The status of drivers on mobility and ride-hailing apps has been under the spotlight, as courts have examined how and whether their work differs from those who drive for traditional courier or minicab firms.

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Licensing of ride-hailing apps in England

Ride-hailing platforms have quickly become a popular part of the transport landscape for major UK cities including London.

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What next for AEVs?

The UK government's stated ambition is for the UK to be at the forefront of the autonomous automotive industry. It expects fully-autonomous (Level 5) vehicles on UK roads by 2021 and anticipates the UK market for connected and autonomous vehicles will be worth £52 billion by 2035.

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