AI – are we getting the balance between regulation and innovation right?

9. Mai 2023

6 Insights

6 Insights

The UK's approach to regulating AI

Debbie Heywood (not ChatGPT) looks at the evolution of the UK's policy on regulating AI.

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AI regulation around the world

Benedikt Kohn and Fritz-Ulli Pieper look at the approach to regulating AI in key jurisdictions.

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Using and training generative AI tools – IP ownership and infringement issues

Xuyang Zhu and Noelle Huang look at the key things to consider when using and training generative AI tools given the potential IP ownership and infringement issues.

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AI product liability – moving ahead with a modernised legal regime

Katie Chandler, Philipp Behrendt and Christopher Bakier look at the EU's proposals to legislate for liability risks in AI products.

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Does AI enhance the risk of dark patterns and how does EU Law regulate them?

Thorsten Troge looks at regulation of dark patterns in the EU and at whether this is sufficient as they become increasingly AI-driven.

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AI regulation in healthcare: UK and EU approaches

Nicholas Vollers and Alison Dennis compare and contrast the UK and EU approaches to regulating the use of AI in healthcare.

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