Frequently recommended lawyer for employment law
Marc André is a specialist lawyer for employment law and co-heads the international Practice Group Employment, Pensions & Mobility. He specialises in advising national and international companies, inter alia, on issues concerning collective employment law in the area of the law on labour relations at the workplace and the law concerning collective bargaining, as well as on the planning and implementation of restructuring measures.
He also has special expert experience in advising companies on all matters relating to employment law arising from and in connection with the use of new media in the employment relationship and employee data protection. His clients also include Spanish companies and institutions in Germany.
„EINE RUHIGERE HAND BEI DER GESETZGEBUNG TUT NOT“, in Unternehmensjurist, 12/03/2022
Keine Spur von Routine, Arbeitsrecht Round Table, in: Personalwirtschaft, 10/2021
Das Tarifeinheitsgesetz muss wohl nachgebessert werden, wird aber bleiben, in: JUVE Rechtsmarkt, 03/2017
Systematischer Praxiskommentar Datenschutzrecht, in § 32 BDSG, Gierschmann u.a. (Hrsg.), S. 674-719, 2014, gemeinsam mit Franziska Hügel
Kündigungsschutz entgrenzter Arbeitnehmer, NZA 2013, S. 764-769, gemeinsam mit Franziska Hügel
Beck’sches Mandatshandbuch Due Diligence, in: Recht der Altersvorsorge, Beisel u.a. (Hrsg.), 2010, S. 339-364, gemeinsam mit Frauke Biester
Praktische Gestaltung und Umsetzung von Unternehmensreorganisationen aus arbeitsrechtlicher Sicht, Schriftlicher Lehrgang Arbeitsrecht (1.-3. ed.), Lektion 12
Regierungsentwurf zum Beschäftigtendatenschutz, in: Deutscher AnwaltSpiegel, 09/2010
Private Internetnutzung am Arbeitsplatz, in: Deutscher AnwaltSpiegel, 07/2010
Employee Share Plans: Germany, in: Labour and Employee Benefits Handbook, 2009
Schicksal von Vorstands- und Geschäftsführer-Anstellungsverträgen bei Fusionen öffentlich-rechtlicher Landesbanken, in: Betriebs Berater 2008, p. 2178 – 2182, gemeinsam mit Franziska Hügel
Nutzung des Internets am Arbeitsplatz, in: Deutsche Richterzeitung 2007, p. 327 - 330
Chairman of the Labour Law Committee of the German Federal Lawyers Association (Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer, BRAK)
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Fachanwälte für Arbeitsrecht in the DAV
European Employment Lawyers Association (EELA)
Fachanwaltsforums Arbeitsrecht (FFA)
Member of the Vorprüfungsausschusses Fachanwalt für Arbeitsrecht der Rechtsanwaltskammer Düsseldorf
Member of the Gesetzgebungsausschusses Arbeitsrecht der Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer in Berlin
Board member of the Deutsch–Spanische Juristenvereinigung and has served as its President since 2008
Frequently recommended lawyer for employment law
Leading individual: Labor and Employment Law
Recommended lawyer for employment
Frequently recommended lawyer: Employment law
Leading individual: Labor and Employment Law
Frequently recommended lawyer for Employment Law
"super expertise, fast and engaging, very practice-oriented", client; "strong in collective employment law, good strategist", competitor
Leading individual: Labor and employment law
Frequently recommended lawyer for Employment Law
"knowledgable and goal-oriented", competitor
Frequently recommended: Employment
Top Lawyer 2019 for Employment Law in Germany
We have advised Mitel, a global leader in business communications, on its transaction to acquire Unify, the Unified Communications and Collaboration (UCC) and Communication and Collaboration Services businesses (CCS) of the Atos group.
Press releaseSaint-Gobain on the acquisition of all the shares of Kaimann GmbH, Hövelhof, one of the leading European manufacturers of elastomeric insulating materials. With this acquisition, the Saint-Gobain Group strengthened its position as market leader and complemented its portfolio of materials and technologies. Taylor Wessing has a long-standing client relationship with Saint-Gobain.
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Work/Life - international employment news update
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Work/Life - international employment news update
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par Anna Taylor et Mark Smith
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