Phillip is a certified specialist lawyer for intellectual property law and has been handling patent litigation for national and international companies for many years, particularly in an international context. He represents clients in the fields of IT/electronics, pharma/life sciences and mechanics/automation.
He also has extensive experience in trade fair matters - both in the enforcement and defence of rights. Another main focus is on advising clients in the fields of robotics, industry 4.0, IoT and artificial intelligence. Phillip is also involved in IP-related arbitration proceedings as well as in drafting and negotiating license and R&D agreements.
Philip is a member of the partner council at Taylor Wessing Germany.
Einschränkungen der Patentinhaber im Bereich versorgungsrelevanter Produkte:
Zwangslizenzen, Enteignung und Entschädigungsansprüche, in: PharmR, mit Anja Lunze, 4/12/2021
Besprechung der Entscheidung FRAND-Einwand II des BGH vom 24.11.2020 (KZR 35/17), in: Mitteilungen der deutschen Patentanwälte 2021, S. 154 ff., gemeinsam mit Dietrich Kamlah
Co-Autor der drei Kapitel zu „Zuständigkeit“, „Einstweiliger Rechtsschutz“ und „Hauptsacheverfahren“, in: Urheberrechtskommentar von Löwenheim, 3. Auflage, 2021, gemeinsam mit Sabine Rojahn
Patents and approvals – medicines, vaccines and diagnostics for COVID-19, in: European Pharmaceutical Review, June 2020, together with Allison Dennis, Paul England, Anja Lunze and Angela Knierim
Co-Autor „Designing Tomorrow’s Legal“ (Springer) zum Kapitel „Protectability and enforceability of AI-generated inventions“, in: Liquid Legal Institutes im Springer Verlag, 2020, gemeinsam mit Tobias Baus
Künstliche Intelligenz und Robotik, in: Beck Verlag, 2020
Five thoughts about property rights in AI-generated content and AI-supported inventions, PlugIn – Wir denken das Recht der digitalen Zukunft, Ausgabe #17, Januar 2019
License, exhaustion or patent infringement? How German case law on the territoriality principle influences licensing considerations, PlugIn – Wir denken das Recht der digitalen Zukunft, Ausgabe #14, Oktober 2018
Co-Autor der Kapitel zu Zuständigkeiten der Gerichte (§6) und Gebühren und Kosten (§10), in: Münchener Anwaltshandbuchs Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz, 5. Auflage 2017
Industrie 4.0 und künstliche Intelligenz – Risiko oder Chance für den gewerblichen Rechtsschutz?, in: Mitteilungen der deutschen Patentanwälte 2017, S. 438-443
„Smart-Factory-Wars“ im Kommen?, in: elektrotechnik 11/2016, S. 8-9
Folgen auf die „Smartphone-Wars“ nun die „Smart-Factory-Wars“? – Patentrechtliche Aspekte der Industrie 4.0 und Robotik, in: IPRB 2016, S. 38-41
Die Sicherung immaterialgüterrechtlicher Nutzungsrechte im Fall der Insolvenz des Lizenzgebers in der Praxis, in: BetriebsBerater 2016, S. 264-270, gemeinsam mit Dr. Michael Nauta
IP developments in Europe – the next challenges for the robotics industry, in: Robotics Law Journal, Volume 1, No. 4, January/February 2016, p. 12-13
Can you afford to litigate in the Unified Patent Court?, in: Managing Intellectual Property, September 2015, S. 25-29, gemeinsam mit Anja Lunze
Wertreklame für Arzneimittel - eine kritische Analyse von § 7 HWG, in: WRP 2015, S. 429-437, gemeinsam mit Dr. Elmar Mand, LL.M.
Anmerkung zu LG München I, Beschl. vom 27.01.2014, 21 O 26665/11 - Kosten der Vorbereitung einer Nichtigkeitsklage, in: Mitteilungen der deutschen Patentanwälte, 2014, S. 293-294
Europäische Harmonisierung der Kostenerstattung im Bereich des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes - ist RVG noch EU-konform? in: Mitteilungen der deutschen Patentanwälte, 2014, S. 1-15, gemeinsam mit Sabine Rojahn
Preisregulierung und Rabattverbote für Arzneimittel - Dissertation, 2012
UNION-IP - Union of European Practitioners in Intellectual Property (Vice-President of the Software and Integrated Circuit Commission)
GRUR (German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property)
Law firm of the year for IP Law
Ranked as leading IP strategist in the following areas: Aerospace/automotive, Biotech, Chemicals, Electronics, Energy/fuel, Engineering/construction, Legal, Materials, Medical devices, Pharmaceuticals/life sciences, Semiconductors, Software, Telecommunications
Silver - Individuals: infringement: "Christoph de Coster is another practitioner who shines in complex patent litigation as well as patent-rich transactions. He particularly excels at supporting those in the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. Recently de Coster has taken the lead defending Viatris in multifaceted and ongoing preliminary injunction proceedings brought by Teva, in which Viatris is now seeking damages for an unjustified preliminary injunction that was previously granted and later overturned.Also leading on this matter is Jan Phillip Rektorschek, who stands out as a knowledgeable and tactical practitioner who always comes through for his following, both in litigious scenarios and when drafting and negotiating licensing and R&D agreements."
Leading individual: Intellectual Property Law
Recommended lawyer for patent litigation (solicitors)
Leading individual: Certified IP specialist Jan Phillip Rektorschek has been involved in complex patent litigation for over 10 years. A wide-ranging practitioner, he takes on clients across the IT, life sciences and mechanical industries. Alongside his disputes practice, transactional advice, especially in the robotics, AI and IoT fields, is also a significant component of his workload.
Leading individual: Intellectual Property Law
Often recommended lawyer for patent litigation
Leading individual: Intellectual Property Law
Recommended as key lawyer for patent litigation
“Taylor Wessing remains true to its focus on life sciences, electronics and IT, in which the newly appointed salary partner Jan Phillip Rektorschek also has special expertise.”
“[…] Jan Phillip Rektorschek, who specialises in life sciences, electronics and IT, is a rising star.”
We have advised Mitel, a global leader in business communications, on its transaction to acquire Unify, the Unified Communications and Collaboration (UCC) and Communication and Collaboration Services businesses (CCS) of the Atos group.
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The UPC Appeal Court overturns the 10x Genomics PI, but focuses on validity
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Taylor Wessing advises the Giesecke+Devrient Group on the carve-out of the Trusted Connectivity Devices (TCD) business and the international reorganization of the Mobile Security business into ePayments (EP) and Mobile Security (MS)
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par Dr. Amir-Said Ghassabeh et Dr. David Klein, LL.M. (Univ. of Washington), CIPP/E
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par Charlie Adams et Adrian Toutoungi
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par plusieurs auteurs
par plusieurs auteurs
par Debbie Heywood
par Dr. Christian Frank, Licencié en droit (Paris II / Panthéon-Assas) et Debbie Heywood