Leading individual for competition law
Wiebke is a trademark lawyer specialising in advice and litigation in the fields of intellectual property law and competition law. With over 20 years of professional experience during which she has handled a multitude of well-known, primarily international client matters, Wiebke has earned herself an excellent reputation winning a number of awards in trademark and design law.
Her work focuses on German, European and international trademark applications as well as on opposition and appeal proceedings before the DPMA and the EUIPO. Another focus is the drafting and negotiation of licence agreements. Her clients – ranging from SMEs to global players - include companies in the media, fashion, toy and food industries.
Markenschutz trotz Hindernissen, in: W&V (Report Markenschutz), 01/2021
Corona-Krise verstärkt Produkt- und Markenpiraterie, in: W&V, 02/2021, gemeinsam mit Dirk Wieddekind
Geschützte Herkunft, in: markenartikel, 12/2020
Darf ein Apfelsaft Apple heißen?, in; W&V, 08/2020
Ein starke Familie – McDONALD`S / MACCOFFE – Zum Urteil in der Rechtssache T-518/13 des EuG und der Rechtsprechung zu Markenfamilien, in: IPRB 2016, S. 206-209, gemeinsam mit Katharina H. Reuer
Handbuch des Exportrechts, in: Gewerbliche Schutzrechte, 2. Aufl. 2014
Einstweiliger Rechtsschutz durch Hamburger Gerichte, in: IP-Beratungspraxis, 11/2011
Keyword advertising, Settled Points and Open Questions, in: CRI, 4/2010
Die Arzthomepage - Rechtliche Probleme bei der Gestaltung des Internetauftritts, in: HNO Kompakt, 3/2009
Fallstricke bei der Gestaltung Ihrer Homepage, in; KFO-Zeitung, 10/2008
Federal Supreme Court upholds Caselaw on Trademark Use in Metatags, in: INTA Bulletin, 2008
Kooperation und Kommunikation durch Landesmedienanstalten, in: Nomos, 1999
Deutsche Vereinigung für Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht GRUR
International Trademark Organisation INTA
PTMG Pharmaceutical Trademarks Group
Leading individual for competition law
Frequently recommended lawyer for trademark and design law
Frequently recommended lawyer for competition law
Law firm of the year for IP Law
Recommended Lawyer: Germany - IP - Trademarks
Trademark Firm of the Year, Germany
Leading individual: Advertising Law
Leading individual: Intellectual Property Law
Trade mark star 2024
Outstanding Firm
Recommended Lawyer for trade marks
Recommended Lawyer for Unfair Competition
“highly motivated and responsive” "With over 20 years’ experience, Baars is a skilled portfolio manager and advocate for her clients at the DPMA and EUIPO."
Leading Individual – Silver
Leading individual: Competition law
Trade mark star – Germany
Top 250 women in IP
Leading individual: Advertising Law
Leading individual: Intellectual Property Law
Leading Individual – Silver
marmalade GmbH, one of Germany's leading e-commerce agencies, and Makaira GmbH, a provider of an e-commerce marketing suite for online retail, have been sold by marmalade Group GmbH to ECOMMERCE ONE Group.
Press releaseUniformity in non-uniformity
Hamburg Court of Appeals on genuine use of a trade mark for medicinal products
by multiple authors
by Jason Rawkins and Simon Jupp
by multiple authors
by Marie Keup
by multiple authors
by Dr. Manja Epping and Christoph Behm
by Emma Danks and Suzy Davis