Alexandra is an associate in our Disputes & Investigations team.
She has experience working on a range of disputes, including general commercial, civil and criminal fraud, injunctions, professional negligence and consumer law. Alexandra also has experience in the High Court and Supreme Court.
'Cleaning up the black economy: is India entering a new era?', CDR Magazine, 2016
The liquidators of a Cayman company on global banking disputes and litigation strategy, worth +USD150m.
An international electric car manufacturer on consumer law issues and claims.
A large accountancy firm on a multi-million dollar negligence claim.
A pharmaceutical company on a successful appeal to the Supreme Court on matters of patent law involving questions of interpretation.
An accountancy firm on a negligence claim regarding tax advice given in relation to film scheme investments.
A corporate client on a successful freezing injunction against a former employee in circumstances of civil fraud.
by Alexandra Boreham and Edward Spencer
Disputes Quick Read: Amendments to the Disclosure Pilot Scheme – a step in the right direction
by Tim Strong and Alexandra Boreham
by Julia Siedhoff and Dr. Hendrik Boss
by multiple authors
by multiple authors
by Katie Chandler and Samantha Brendish
by multiple authors
by Louise Jennings and Cole Fowlis
by Louise Jennings and Cole Fowlis
by Mark Chan