Leading name: Private Equity: Venture Capital
Jens heads up the Venture-Capital Group of Taylor Wessing in Germany. He advises national and foreign companies on all matters relating to M&A, venture-capital, and private-equity transactions. In that respect, he focuses on advising private-equity funds, venture-capital investors, and technology-driven companies.
He has been supporting start-ups and investors in more than 500 transactions, from business-angel investments to unicorn funding rounds with a volume of several hundred million euros. Together with his team, he routinely acts for his clients in the entire “investment life cycle” - from a company’s formation to its exit. Jens teaches corporate finance and venture capital at the HAW Hamburg and at the Bucerius Law School Hamburg.
Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen der Unternehmens- und Projektfinanzierung für IT-Unternehmen, Vortrag Fortbildung für FAe für IT-Recht, Hamburg, 2009
Die Haftung des Kommanditisten beim Formwechsel in die GmbH, in: ZIP - Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht 1996, S. 1200-1205
Thronerbe gesucht - Unternehmensverkauf: Das ist zu tun, Offensive 2/2007, S. 10
Funktion und Nutzen der rechtlichen Beratung bei der Kapitalbeschaffung, Vortrag Seminar Unternehmensfinanzierung, Würzburg, 2006
Strategic Partnerships, The American Lawyer, May 2006, p. 208
Corporate Governance für den Mittelstand, WAR 2004, S. 167-172
Von der Gründung bis zum Börsengang (Mitautor), in: Praxishandbuch Multimedia, Stuttgart 2002
Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts als Wettbewerbsunternehmen, Köln (Heymanns), 2002
Die Rechtsnatur des Finanzierungsleasings, in: JuS 2002, S. 335 f.
Die Rechtsnatur des Finanzierungsleasings, in: JuS 2002, S. 335 f.
Leading name: Private Equity: Venture Capital
Leading individual for Venture Capital
Frequently recommended lawyer for Venture Capital
Leading individual: Private Equity Law
Lawyer of the year: Venture Capital Law
Leading Individual: Venture Capital
Ranked lawyer for Private Equity: Venture Capital
Leading name: Private Equity: Venture Capital
Frequently recommended lawyer for Private Equity and Venture Capital
Leading individual: Venture Capital
"pragmatic, solution-oriented, pleasant cooperation", competitor
Leading individual: Venture Capital Law
Leading individual: Private Equity Law
Ranked with Chambers and Partners for Private Equity: Venture Capital
Leading name: Private Equity: Venture Capital
Frequently recommended lawyer for Venture Capital
"pragmatic and solution-oriented", competitor
Leading advisor for Venture Capital
Leading individual: Private Equity
Leading name: Private Equity: Venture Capital
Europe's market-leading digital freight carrier sennder Technologies GmbH and Italy's leading postal service provider, Poste Italiane S.p.a, are deepening their cooperation and a Taylor Wessing team led by Hamburg partner Dr Jens Wolf advised sennder on all legal aspects of the transaction.
Press releasemarmalade GmbH, one of Germany's leading e-commerce agencies, and Makaira GmbH, a provider of an e-commerce marketing suite for online retail, have been sold by marmalade Group GmbH to ECOMMERCE ONE Group.
Press releaseby multiple authors
Venture Capital in Germany: Outlook 2025 and review - Taylor Wessing advises on the three largest German financing rounds in 2024
Taylor Wessing advises Scira on the sale of the K&M Group to Oakley Capital
by multiple authors
by multiple authors
by Dr. Axel Frhr. von dem Bussche, LL.M. (L.S.E.), CIPP/E and Prof. Dr. Michael Johannes Pils
by Jason Rawkins and Simon Jupp
by multiple authors
by multiple authors
by multiple authors
by Jason Rawkins and Simon Jupp
by multiple authors