New scams are constantly being created and you should be wary of all types of unsolicited emails, phone calls, WhatsApp messages or letters you receive purporting to be from Taylor Wessing.
We have been made aware that the Taylor Wessing name and/or the names of some of our individual partners and employees have been used in fraudulent scam emails. These often include the use of ‘lookalike’ domains purporting to be sent from our firm and/or (real or fictitious) individuals at Taylor Wessing
Genuine emails from Taylor Wessing only use the domain "". We do not use any variations of this. Please check the sender's details and be aware of lookalike email addresses that may look similar to our domain but are not identical.
If you receive correspondence purporting to be from Taylor Wessing that you believe may be fraudulent or if you wish to verify its authenticity, please contact us. We recommend that you DO NOT RESPOND to the correspondence and that you delete it once you have informed us.
Please also visit the Solicitors Regulation Authority website for further information and for known scams involving UK law firms.
We do not have any involvement in the emails and our name is being used without our authorisation.