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Ones to Watch: Data Protection Law and IT-Law
Fritz-Ulli, LL.M. is a specialist in IT law and advises national and international clients on IT, telecommunications and data protection law. He has special experience in legal issues of digitalization and artificial intelligence.
His main areas of practice include the drafting of IT contracts and general terms and conditions of business and the support of complex data protection projects as well as advising telecommunications providers or their contractual partners on infrastructure projects and product launches. He also advises the public sector on large-volume IT and infrastructure projects, in particular the Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Construction and Home Affairs and its downstream divisions.
„Agile contracts: Drafting contracts for agile development for project managers“, together with Stefan Roock (dpunkt.verlag, Heidelberg, 2017, in German)
„Conclusion of a contract with AI, rescission and damages“ in: Kaulartz/Braegelmann (eds.), Legal Handbook Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Verlag C.H.Beck, Munich, 2020 (in German)
„Possibilities and limits of the exemption from liability“ in: Linardatos (ed.), legal handbook Robo Advice, Verlag C.H.Beck, Munich, 2020 (in German)
Co-author of the commentaries on Art. 6 para. 4, Art. 46, Art. 49, Art. 50 DS-GVO as well as Sections 23, 24 FDPA (BDSG) in: Schwartmann/Jaspers/Thüsing/Kugelmann (eds.), Commentary on "General Data Protection Regulation with Federal Data Protection Act" (2nd edition, C.F. Müller, Heidelberg, 2020) (in German)
"When machines conclude contracts: Declarations of intent in the use of artificial intelligence", in GRUR-Prax 2019, 298-300 (in German)
"Artificial Intelligence and Data Protection Law - an Overview" in „BvD-NEWS - The Professional Magazine for Data Protection“ of the Professional Association of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners of Germany (BvD) e.V., Edition 01/2019, 14-17 (in German)
"Artificial Intelligence: In the field of tension between law and technology", in InTeR – Journal on innovation and technology law, 2018, 9-15 (in German)
"The interconnection of autonomous systems in the context of contract and liability", in: InTeR - Journal on innovation and technology law, 2016, 188-194 (in German)
"The criterion of ‚identifiability‘ in big data analysis procedures", CR – journal ‚Computers & law‘, 2015, 724 - 729, together with Klaus Brisch (in German)
Ones to Watch: Data Protection Law and IT-Law
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Detlef Klett, Fritz-Ulli Pieper, Mareike Gehrmann have above-average expertise (...) The highest degree of commitment and reliability, even in time-critical situations you could rely on the support.
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