Ulrich advises all kinds of companies on purchasing, sales and distribution as well as on product compliance & liability related matters. On the one hand, he supports throughout the whole life cycle of products focussing on the efficient design of supply chains simultaneously considering commercial issues as well as product compliance. On the other hand, he advocates and advises in the event of product crises in and out of court.
His practice includes the support of manufacturers and distributors across the world from gaining access to the European Single Market to defending his clients against unjustified liability claims of customers in and outside of the supply chain as well as support in the case of product recalls or withdrawals.New Machinery Regulation: the most important changes and what companies need to do
Online-Marktplätze unter der neuen Produktsicherheitsverordnung, in: Zeitschrift für Vertriebsrecht, 2023
Welche Soft Skills benötigt man als Anwalt?; Beck Stellenmarkt; Ratgeber Karriere; 2/23 together with Klara Pototzky
Germany: Franchise & Licensing, in: The Legal 500: Country Comparative Guides, 2021, together with Martin Rothermel, Benedikt Rohrßen and Giorgia Carandente
Allocation of Rescue Vehicles – A Matter of Distributive Justice, in: Nomos, 2019
Regulation on Medical Marijuana in Germany, in: International Law Office (ILO), 2020
by multiple authors
Practice guide risk management and product requirements
by multiple authors
It’s (almost) a wrap: The EU Packaging Regulation
by multiple authors
by Julia Siedhoff and Dr. Hendrik Boss
by Jason Rawkins and Simon Jupp
by multiple authors
by multiple authors
by Jason Rawkins and Simon Jupp
by multiple authors