Award in the area of competition – under 45 – partners
With comprehensive expertise, Manuel advises clients on German and European competition law. His practice includes cross-border mergers, proceedings by competition authorities, competition litigation (in particular cartel damages), competition compliance, internal audits, distribution systems and agreements, as well as co-operations between companies. He represents clients in proceedings before the Federal Cartel Office, the European Commission and in court.
Eckpunkte einer IP-Strategie für Deutschland, in: Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V., with Nora E. Wessendorf and Niklas Melzer
Die neue Vertikal-GVO, Stephan Manuel Nagel LL.M. (EUI), Dr. Marco Hartmann-Rüppel, Dr. Benedikt Rohrßen, 06/ 2022
Instagram könnte als Risiko-Anwendung eingestuft werden, Interview mit Wolfgang Stieler, in: heise online, 05/2021
Nagel/Horn, Die Facebook-Entscheidung des BGH – ein neuer Kompass für die Missbrauchskontrolle?, in: ZWeR 1/2021, S. 78 ff.
Nagel/Hillmer, Die 10. GWB-Novelle – Update für die Missbrauchsaufsicht in der Digitalwirtschaft, in: DER BETRIEB, Februar 2021, 327
Nagel/Hillmer, "Die 10. GWB-Novelle – Änderungen im Verfahrens-, Bußgeld-, Schadensersatz- und Fusionskontrollrecht", in: DER BETRIEB 2021, 494
Der Markt wird grüner – Was kann das Kartellrecht zur Umsetzung des Green New Deal beitragen? PlugIn – Wir denken das Recht der digitalen Zukunft, Ausgabe #34, Februar 2021
Kartellrecht für den Digitalen Binnenmarkt, PlugIn – Wir denken das Recht der digitalen Zukunft, Ausgabe #31, September 2020
Nagel, Kommentierung der VO/EU Nr. 316/2014 (Technologietransfer-GVO), Münchener Kommentar zum Wettbewerbsrecht, Band 1 Europäisches Wettbewerbsrecht, 3. Aufl.
Nagel, „Price Algorithms as a Compliance Risk", PlugIn – Wir denken das Recht der digitalen Zukunft, Edition #21, Mai 2019
Nagel/Stemmler, „Antitrust Assessment of Best Price Clauses on Hotel Reservation Platforms", PlugIn – Wir denken das Recht der digitalen Zukunft, Ausgabe #21, Mai 2019
Nagel, „Preisalgorithmen als Compliance-Risiko", Compliance, Die Zeitschrift für Compliance-Verantwortliche, März 2018
Nagel, „Rezension Vertragshandbuch Stromwirtschaft“, NJW 27/2015
Nagel/Dogan, „Monopolies Commission‘s Findings on Online Advertising“, E-Commerce Law and Policy, August 2015
Broomhall/Nagel/Scholz, „The application of competition law to the energy sector: An overview and comparison of recent practice by the Bundeskartellamt and the EU Commission”, Revue des droits de la concurrence, Concurrences No. 3-2013
Broomhall/Nagel/Scholz, „Anti-competitive practices in the energy sector: An overview of EU and national case law“, e-Competitions, No. 41759
Award in the area of competition – under 45 – partners
Frequently recommended lawyer for competition law
Future Leader - Partner: Germany - Competition
Recommended Lawyer: Germany - Competition
Leading individual: Competition / Antitrust Law
TOP Lawyer for competition law
Recommended lawyer for Compliance
'"Stephan Manuel Nagel offers excellent expertise, pragmatism and the ability to advise clients just right."
Recommended lawyer for antitrust
Next Generation Partner for antitrust
'"High level of legal and commercial expertise, very good understanding of business processes, very good at communicating legal issues and solutions."
'"Availability 24/7, precise, to-the-point elaborations. Outstanding comprehension; solution orientation; practical relevance."
"Determined negotiator", "pleasant to work with", competitor
Frequently recommended: Competition law
Leading individual: Antitrust and competition law
Top lawyer for competition law & top law firm for competition law
Future Leader - Competition Future Leaders - Partners 2023
'An excellent competition lawyer, practical approach with an eye for the essentials and also very good in human terms, responding to colleagues and conducting interviews with the necessary sensitivity'.
'Very high availability, very good quality work, practical approach to the interpretation and application of laws and regulations.'
Next Generation Lawer
Competition law and compliance advice regarding inter alia an online platform and R&D collaborations. Provision of competition compliance trainings.
Competition law and compliance advice regarding inter alia an online platform and R&D cooperations; competition compliance trainings.
Advice on competition law and competition compliance; competition and merger control law advice with respect to the sale of thyssenkrupp Infrastructure GmbH.
Competition and merger control law advice to Saint-Gobain, a leading European manufacturer of construction and high-performance materials, including inter alia the acquisition of Kaimann GmbH, one of the leading European manufacturers of elastomeric insulation materials, and the establishment of a joint venture with RIB Software.
Competition and merger control law advice to REWE on various projects, among others on the acquisitions of coop and Lekkerland. REWE is one of the most important German trading and tourism companies, which we advise on various large-scale cross-border projects.
Press releaseAdvising Ströer, the leading German provider of out-of-home media and internet group, on the acquisition of the German business of the online marketing service provider ReachLocal and the acquisition of shares in StayFriends, Social Media Interactive and Vitalsana.
Press releaseby multiple authors
DERTOUR Deutschland acquires I.D. Riva Tours with Taylor Wessing
by multiple authors
Competition law implications of tying different products and exclusive data use
by multiple authors
by Dr. Axel Frhr. von dem Bussche, LL.M. (L.S.E.), CIPP/E and Prof. Dr. Michael Johannes Pils
by multiple authors
by multiple authors
by Jason Rawkins and Simon Jupp
by multiple authors
by multiple authors