Nick is a counsel in the Competition, EU & Trade practice group. He has a special focus on consumer and competition law related matters, operating in a wide range of sectors, such as healthcare, retail and food.
His practice is focused on proceedings before the EU and Dutch competition (and other) authorities and judiciary, as well as advisory work, regarding the application of the EU and Dutch competition law rules (cartel prohibition, prohibition on abuse of a dominant position and merger control) and other matters relating to EU law (eg foreign direct investments and consumer law matters).
Europese Commissie legt Google recordboete van 2,42 miljard op, 28 June 2017, lexology
Hub-and-spoke kartels: waar rook is, is vuur?, Mededingingsrecht in de Praktijk, nummer 3, juni 2022
Intellectuele eigendomsrechten en aanbestedingen: een eeuwig spanningsveld, Tijdschrift Aanbestedingsrecht en Staatssteun, nummer 6, oktober 2020
New rules for distribution agreements
Dutch court orders Apple to change unreasonable conditions applying to (dating) app providers
Dutch Advertising Code Committee tightens rules for sustainability claims
The most obvious don’ts during a dawn raid: four examples
Apple fails to satisfy requirements set by AMC
Nieuwe regels voor distributieovereenkomsten: meer flexibilisering en duidelijkheid
European Franchise & Distribution Newsletter - No 27
Samsung fined €39 million by Dutch competition watchdog for online resale price maintenance for TVs
Netherlands - Franchise and Distribution newsletter #24
Dutch Competition Law Association (Vereniging voor Mededingingsrecht)
Dutch Association for Procurement Law
by Emma Kranendonk and Nick Strous
European Franchise Newsletter n°36
by multiple authors
Vifo Act: Practical Guides
by Nick Strous and Emma Kranendonk
by multiple authors
by Jason Rawkins and Simon Jupp
by Jason Rawkins and Simon Jupp
by Jason Rawkins and Simon Jupp
by Paul Thorpe