Gunbritt is a specialist lawyer for insurance law. She heads up the Insurance Practice Group for Germany and coordinates the international Financial Services & Institutions Group at Taylor Wessing. She advises insurance and reinsurance companies on complex international transactions, contract drafting and regulatory issues - her versatile consulting practice illustrates her expertise in insurance law.
With her many years of experience, Gunbritt advises corporations on their transformation to digital and global players and negotiates with the responsible insurance supervisory authority BaFin. She represents insurers and reinsurers in arbitration proceedings as well as in D&O and reinsurance disputes. Gunbritt is also a consultant at the insurance law institutes of the Universities of Düsseldorf and Münster.
Verwendung von Big Data und AI vertraglich gut regeln, in VersicherungsJournal Extrablatt, 03/22
Gastbeitrag - Digitale Risiken in VU: die Bafin schaut hin, Versicherungswirtschaft heute, November 2019
Video-Interview - Taylor Wessing erklärt: VAIT - Rechtsrahmen für digitale Lösungen in der Cloud, November 2019
Vertrieb durch Onlinebank: ING setzt mit Taylor Wessing Kooperation mit Axa um. JUVE Rechtsmarkt Nr. 11 22. Jahrgang November 2019. Online einsehbar.
IT von Versicherungsunternehmen: BaFin konkretisiert Anforderungen, PlugIn – Wir denken das Recht der digitalen Zukunft, Ausgabe #11, Juli/2018
Kommentatorin im VVG-Kommentar Looschelders Pohlmann
Kommentatorin im UmwG-Kommentar Böttcher Habighorst
“visible on in-house projects”, competitor
Frequently recommended for insurance law
Recommended Lawyer: Germany - Insurance & Reinsurance
Thought Leader: Germany - Insurance & Reinsurance
Leading individual: Insurance Law
Recommended lawyer for insurance - litigation
Recommended lawyer for insurance - Advice to insurers
Ranked lawyer for Insurance: Transactional
Ranked lawyer for Insurance
"Gunbritt provides sound and very useful guidance on insurance regulations to navigate us through any challenges."
"Gunbritt is a strong and experienced lawyer who has good reinsurance insights."
Frequently recommended: Insurance law - Business-related advice
Frequently recommended: Insurance law - Product advice
Frequently recommended: Insurance law - Processes and contract advice
Thought Leaders - Germany - Insurance & Reinsurance 2023
Leading individual: Insurance Law
National Leader - Germany - Insurance & Reinsurance 2023
Ranked with Chambers and Partners for Insurance Transactional
Ranked with Chambers and Partners for Insurance
Frequently recommended for business-related advice to insurers
Advising ERGO Group AG on ESG regulation in relation to the distribution of insurances and investments in funds.
Savills Investment Management (Savills IM) on the purchase of the "NUBIS" office complex in the Adlershof Science and Technology Park in Berlin, some of which is still under construction. The international real estate investment firm Savills IM has acquired the properties for its Savills IM European Commercial Fund (ECF). The transaction is part of an asset deal with Project Immobilien Gewerbe AG. The ensemble consists of three independent multi-tenant buildings with modern and flexible office space. A total of around 17,200 square metres of lettable space are spread across five to six floors. Each house has its own underground car park with a total of 86 parking spaces. The first building has already been completed and occupied by the tenants. The other two properties will be transferred to the Fund's portfolio when it is successively completed in the first half of 2019. In total, long-term leases have already been signed for more than 90 percent of the space. The main tenants are VBU Verkehrsbau Union Berlin GmbH (Eurovia) and TECHEM Energy Services GmbH.
Press releaseHUK-Coburg Haftpflicht-Unterstützungs-Kasse Kraftfahrender Beamter Deutschlands a. G. in Coburg on the implementation of the new IDD requirements under insurance distribution regulatory law.
ING on all legal issues in the contractual design of its cooperation with AXA.
Press releaseAXA on providing comprehensive advice on the run off of its reinsurance portfolio.
CHUBB European Group Limited, Directorate for Germany as member of its Cyber Incident Response Team. Chubb is the world’s largest publicly traded property and casualty insurance company.
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