Stephanie is a member of our Technology, Media & Telecoms Practice Area. Her main areas of expertise are data protection, IT contract and gambling law.
EU Data Act: Welche Rolle spielen IT-Dienstleister?, in: IT-Business, 04/2023
Vereinbarkeit des Entwurfs zum Data Act und der DS-GVO, in: MMR, 2023
Praxisguide „Whistleblowing“ – Rechtslage nach Ablauf der Umsetzungsfrist, in: Datenschutz-Berater, Ausgabe 02/2022, 47. Jahrgang
Europäische Regulierung von künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) – Wer soll haften, wenn die Maschine versagt?, in: DSRITB, 10/2021
The interfaces between artificial intelligence and the Data Act
by Dr. Carolin Monsees, CIPP/E and Stephanie Richter, LL.M. (Torino), CIPP/E
Financial Data Space in the context of the Data Act
Alexander Schmalenberger, Verena Ritter-Döring and Stephanie Richter discuss what FIDA and the Data Act mean for financial data sharing in the EU.
by multiple authors
1 of 6 Insights
by multiple authors
by Jason Rawkins and Simon Jupp
by multiple authors
by Debbie Heywood and Daniel Hirschfield
by Jason Rawkins and Simon Jupp
by multiple authors
by multiple authors