“committed, practice-orientated, experienced and networked, promotes efficient and entrepreneurial solutions”, client
Martin is an expert in our Commercial Agreements & Distribution practice group. He is a true team player and passes on his knowledge to young colleagues.
He advises companies – ranging from start-ups to global players - on the areas of purchasing, sales and distribution (e-commerce, commercial agent, authorised dealer and franchise systems) as well as on product liability.
Martin is a highly recommended lawyer for the strategic organisation of international trade relations and modern distribution systems. He asserts the rights of his clients in litigious disputes and is active in international arbitration proceedings.
Doing Business and Investing in Germany: A guide to help foreign investors
by multiple authors
LkSG (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz), in: Fachmedien Recht und Wirtschaft
Internationales Kauf-, Liefer- und Vertriebsrecht, in: Fachmedien Recht und Wirtschaft, 2. Auflage, 2021
Getting The Deal Through, in: Distribution and Agency in Germany, 2015, 2021
Germany: Franchise & Licensing, in: The Legal 500: Country Comparative Guides, 2021, together with Benedikt Rohrßen, Giorgia Carandente and Ulrich Spiegel
Vertragshändlerausgleich auch ohne Übertragung der Kundendaten? in: BetriebsBerater, Ausgabe 28/29, 2019, gemeinsam mit Wolfgang Schulz
Geoblocking-VO / Telekommunikationsgesetz – Geoblocking in der EU und Deutschland, PlugIn – Wir denken das Recht der digitalen Zukunft, Ausgabe #19, 2019
Praxis des Vertriebsrechts – Rezension des Standardwerks von Giesler zum Handelsvertreter-, Vertragshändler-, Franchise- und Kartellrecht, in: Zeitschrift für Vertriebsrecht, 2019, S. 202
Die Geoblocking Verordnung ein Jahr danach…, in: Kommunikation & Recht, 2019, S. 367, gemeinsam mit Wolfgang Schulz
Nacherfüllung/Unverhältnismäßigkeit/Schadensersatz - Schnittstellen im neuen Kaufrecht nach § 439 Abs. 3 und 4 BGB, in: Betriebs-Berater, 2018, S. 2181, gemeinsam mit Wolfgang Schulz
Die neue Geoblocking Verordnung, in: Kommunikation & Recht, 2018, S. 449, gemeinsam mit Wolfgang Schulz
Schweigen ist Silber: Zum Schweigen als „internationalem“ Handelsbrauch, in: Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft, 2018, S. 179, gemeinsam mit Julius Dahmen
Unwirksame Klauseln in Vertriebsverträgen: Versuch einer systematischen Katalogisierung zu über 200 Klauseln in Vertriebsverträgen und deren Behandlung in Rechtsprechung und Literatur auf 40 Seiten, in: Internationales Handelsrecht, 2017, S. 45, gemeinsam mit Julius Dahmen
Der Kühlschrankfall – Das Dilemma des gutmütigen Lieferanten in der Lieferkette im Hinblick auf die mangelbedingten Aus- und Einbaukosten, in: Tagungsband zur Tagung der deutsch-brasilianischen Gesellschaft 2016; Nomos Verlag
Die vierte Dimension – Rechtsfragen im 3D-Druck 2.0, in: Recht Automobil Wirtschaft, 2016, S. 125
Aktuelle Rechtsprechung zu Nacherfüllungskosten: Handlungsempfehlungen für Hersteller, Zwischenhändler und Assembler, in: Gesellschafts-und Wirtschaftsrecht, 2012, S. 52
Lieferantenmanagement, Skript Management Circle, 2009
“committed, practice-orientated, experienced and networked, promotes efficient and entrepreneurial solutions”, client
Leading individual for distribution law (distribution systems)
Frequently recommended lawyer for distribution law
Leading individual: Franchise Law
Leading individual: Trade Law
"Martin Rothermel is very well known and really knowledgeable in the new Supply Chain Act. He also publishes a lot and is very collegiate."
Ranked lawyer for Commercial Contracts
Leading Individual for trade, distribution and logistics
"Martin Rothermel repeatedly demonstrates his expertise and decades of experience in distribution law."
"Outstanding partner; pragmatic and solution-orientated. Always with a holistic view. Highly competent, on time and fast."
Frequently recommended lawyer: distribution law
Leading individual: Distribution law
Recommended Lawyer: Germany - Franchising
Leading individual: Trade Law
Leading individual: Franchise Law
National Leader - Germany - Franchising 2023
Ranked with Chambers and Partners for Commercial Contracts
Frequently recommended lawyer for distribution law
Leading name: Consumer & retail: Commercial & consumer contracts
"good content", client; "competent negotiator", "strong in international distribution law", competitor
Advising various DAX companies as well as other companies from all sectors on legal aspects related to the German Supply Chain Sourcing Obligations Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz - LkSG). The scope of our advisory services ranges from needs analysis, implementation and ongoing advice in day-to-day business to strategic, tactical and operational anticipation and support of conflicts and disputes.
Advising a German international retail chain on various legal issues relating to the LkSG. In particular, advice on examining the scope of application of the LkSG, on conducting a GAP analysis to identify legal gaps, on the involvement of the purchasing department by developing instructions for action in terms of a LkSG-compliant procurement strategy, on checklists for several business areas as well as on liability issues of the management and the purchasing department.
by multiple authors
Overview of the new EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR)
by multiple authors
Synopse: EU Supply Chain Due Diligence
Synoptic comparison
by multiple authors
by Jason Rawkins and Simon Jupp
by Oz Watson
by multiple authors
by multiple authors
by multiple authors
by Adrian Toutoungi and Rochelle Ampomah-Ababio