Leading individual: Intellectual Property Law
Malek is a specialist in copyright and media law. He advises and represents companies, in particular, from the media, entertainment, science, telecommunications, and IT industries on all matters relating to copyright law and copyright contract law (including influences at international level or as a result of EU law), right of expression, right of personality, telemedia law, and the legal framework for Internet service providers. A focus of his practice also involves subjects from the field of industrial property, data protection, and e-commerce.
Malek has acted for his clients in legal proceedings concerning complex situations that frequently involve copyright disputes and disputes regarding the right to express opinions, often associated with technology-related matters. He also advises his clients on all matters concerning licencing and a legally-compliant use of protected contents. In addition, Malek also advises companies, inter alia, on product launches and new business models. His clients include both globally-leading companies and aspiring start-ups.
Art. 11 - Art. 17, Art. 25 Digital Services Act, in: Müller-Terpitz/Köhler (Hrsg.): DSA, Praxiskommentar, München 2023
Chapter 11: Urheber- und Lauterkeitsrecht, Know-How-Schutz, in: Kipker (Hrsg.), Cybersecurity, Rechtshandbuch, 2. Auflage, München 2023
Chapter 22: Plattformspezifische Vorgaben der DSM-RL, in: Steinrötter (Hrsg.): Europäische Plattformregulierung, Baden-Baden 2023
§ 1 Urheberrechts-Diensteanbieter-Gesetz, in: Barudi (Hrsg.), Das neue Urheberrecht: UrhG | UrhDaG | VGG, Baden-Baden 2021
(Hrsg.) Das neue Urheberrecht: UrhG | UrhDaG | VGG, Baden-Baden 2021
Urheber- und Lauterkeitsrecht, Know-How-Schutz, in: Kipker, Cybersecurity Rechtshandbuch, 2020
„Value Gap“? – Zur Debatte um das Haftungsregime für Hosting-Dienste in Bezug auf Urheberrechtsverletzungen, in: Hennemann/Sattler: Immaterialgüter und Digitalisierung, Baden-Baden 2017
Der Mythos vom Value Gap, in: GRUR 2017, 327-338, together with Jörg Wimmers
The CJEU’s Communication to the Public: Better Check Before Placing a Hyperlink? in: CRi 2016, 129-133, together with Jörg Wimmers and Adam Rendle
Kommentierung zu §§ 8, 9, 12, 12a SortG sowie Art. 11, 28, 29, 98, 100 GSortV, in: Metzger/Zech: Sortenschutzgesetz, Kommentar, 2016
EU-Urheberrechtsreform, in: IPRB 2016, S. 16-21, gemeinsam mit Jörg Wimmers
Rezension zu A. Hügel: Haftung von Inhabern privater Internetanschlüsse für fremde Urheberrechtsverletzungen, in: UFITA 2015/I, S. 281-283
Europäischer Werkbegriff und besondere Gestaltungshöhe – eine Betrachtung des BGH-Urteils Geburtstagszug, in: UFITA 2014/I, S. 49-68
Designschutz aufgewertet – zur Abkehr des Bundesgerichtshofs von der besonderen Gestaltungshöhe für angewandte Kunst im Urheberrecht, in: KUR 2014, S. 11-15
Autor und Werk – eine prägende Beziehung?, in: Mohr Siebeck, Schriftenreihe Geistiges Eigentum und Wettbewerbsrecht (GEuWR), Band 75, Tübingen 2013
Ein Jahr (Dritt-)Auskunftsanspruch, in: CR 2010, S. R020-021
Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle (AIPPI)
German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR)
Law Society Hannover
Leading individual: Intellectual Property Law
Recommended Lawyer for data protection
Recommended Lawyer for IT-Transactions and Outsourcing
Recommended lawyer for media
Notable practitioner – Germany
Leading individual: Intellectual Property Law
Notable practitioner
Leading individual: Intellectual property law
Transposing the DSM Copyright Directive in Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovakia
How are these countries proposing to implement the Directive, especially the controversial Article 17?
by multiple authors
4 of 4 Insights
Update Copyright in the Digital Single Market: On the implementation of the DSM Copyright Directive in Germany
by Dr. Gregor Schmid, LL.M. (Cambridge) and Dr. Malek Barudi, M.Jur. (Oxford)
by multiple authors
by multiple authors
by Dr. Axel Frhr. von dem Bussche, LL.M. (L.S.E.), CIPP/E and Prof. Dr. Michael Johannes Pils
by Jason Rawkins and Simon Jupp
by multiple authors
by Jason Rawkins and Simon Jupp