Frequently recommended lawyer for the transport sector
Florian 是 Taylor Wessing 驻上海和北京代表处的创始人,也是 Taylor Wessing 全球中国部负责人。他是中外交易业务的权威专家。自上世纪九十年代初以来,他始终在为中国的外商投资和中国对外投资提供咨询建议,其咨询领域涵盖项目构架(包括知识产权)、合同起草和谈判,以及后续的业务经营。他的业务记录包括在中国获得国家和省级批准的多个项目。Florian 的客户包括跨国公司、中型企业以及初创企业,尤其是汽车、生命科学和医疗领域的技术推动型企业。他致力于改善东西方之间各种职能的合作:Florian 是德中律师协会秘书长,也是德国亚太商业协会理事会成员。
"Handbuch Wirtschaft und Recht", Beck-Verlag 1999
"Chinesisches Wirtschaftsrecht: Einführung für Unternehmer", Nomos–Verlag 2006
General secretary of the Deutsch–Chinesische Juristenvereinigung e.V.
German Asia Pacific Business Association
Chinaforum Bayern e.V.
Frequently recommended lawyer for the transport sector
Frequently recommended lawyer for corporate law
Notable Practitioner: Corporate / M&A
Frequently recommended lawyer for corporate law
"leading China expert in the market", competitor
Notable Practitioner - China - Corporate / M&A
Key lawyer for China Corporate / M&A
Frequently recommended lawyer for Corporate
Michael-Florian Ranft offers considerable experience with cross-border corporate matters involving China, with one client describing him as "very reliable and quick, very responsive and client-oriented."
Key lawyer: China M&A
Frequently recommended lawyer for Corporate (especially for China)
Frequently recommended: Corporate Law
Leading individual - Foreign expert for China (based in Germany)
“always high performance”
Frequently recommended: Corporate/M&A
Listed as "Foreign expert for China"
Client Choice Winner - General corporate (Germany): “He is able to guide a corporation through the legal and commercial pitfalls they may encounter when entering China.” “He is a pragmatic and very experienced lawyer and a strategic thinker,” client
The “very creative” Michael-Florian Ranft heads the firm's international China group and continues to advise German clients on their business interests in China, as well as assisting with inbound investments from China. Clients say: “His communication is extraordinary, and this team works seamlessly.”
"Michael-Florian Ranft is extremely experienced, agile, inventive and very quick to react. Above the purely mandated work packages, he is willing to support in other fields and make connections to very relevant business matters."