德国是欧洲最大的经济体,以其高效的制造业而闻名于世。对于新技术和可再生能源的大力投资正在推动其下个阶段的经济增长。我们的 370 余名顾问分布于柏林、汉堡、慕尼黑、杜塞尔多夫和法兰克福,覆盖了德国的所有经济中心。
我们优秀的律师在 17 个行业的主要法律名录中均名列前茅,包括科技、生命科学和医疗、可再生能源、金融和保险以及房地产。我们与欧洲、亚洲和北美的国际同事密切合作,成功引导客户应对复杂的跨境交易难题和不断变化的监管挑战,并防止他们因纠纷而承受长远的影响。
Taylor Wessing advises ICIG on acquisition of Evonik's Lülsdorf chemical site
Press releaseSeveral world-leading internet and online service providers as well as providers of critical infrastructures (transport / healthcare) on large-scale data centre-related infrastructure projects from build-to-suit projects to colocation agreements.
为多家DAX公司以及各行各业的其他公司提供关于德国《供应链采购义务法》(Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz - LkSG)的法律咨询服务。我们的咨询服务范围从日常业务中的需求分析、实施和持续性咨询,到战略、策略和运营预期以及冲突和争端的解决支持。
泰乐信就与保险分配和基金投资相关的ESG法规向ERGO Group AG提供咨询服务。
Led by Frankfurt partners Dr Lars-Gerrit Lüßmann and Ulrich Reers, Formycon AG carried out a capital increase of 910,000 new shares (corresponding to approximately 6% of the company's share capital) by means of an accelerated bookbuilding process and raised gross proceeds of approximately €70 million.
Regular advice to UK-based asset manager Impax Asset Management on the acquisition and disposal of wind and PV projects in Germany and other European countries, including advising on joint ventures with project developers for the joint development and implementation of renewable energy projects.
Taylor Wessing advises sennder on successful closing of the acquisition of the European Surface Transportation operations of C.H. Robinson
The increasing influence of ESG factors on acquisition financing in Germany
Taylor Wessing berät Veritas-Insolvenzverwalter bei Übernahme durch Max Valier Holding
Bundled cartel damages actions in Germany following the ECJ decision in Case C-253/23
Scraping and processing AI training data – key legal challenges under data protection laws