泰乐信就与保险分配和基金投资相关的ESG法规向ERGO Group AG提供咨询服务。
泰乐信就投资First Climate AG的收购融资为HANNOVER Finanz提供咨询服务,First Climate AG支持各种公司和组织实现他们的气候保护和可持续性目标。这笔融资由Volksbank和Commerzbank提供。
Advising Professor Griggs, the Independent Reviewer appointed by Lloyds in relation to the HBOS Redress Programme. This is a substantial investigation into over 50 former HBoS corporate customers, analysis of their claims for compensation and independent assessment of the bank's redress proposals. We are the first firm to handle an independent review process for a major retail bank on this scale. Our mandate continues, with us now advising Professor Griggs on the Quality Assurance Review by Sir Ross Cranston of the HBOS Reading Compensation Scheme itself.
Deutsche Bank Commercial Real Estate Group on its first Sterling Over Night Index Average (SONIA) benchmark based loan. This marks not only Deutsche Bank's first alternative rate loan, but also one of the first adoptions of a loan referencing an average of overnight SONIA in the entire market. The benchmark was used an alternative to London Inter-Bank Offered Rate (LIBOR). The loan references a compounded average of SONIA set in arrears with a five business day lag.
Press releaseWhite Oak - Advising the senior secured creditor on all aspects of the British Steel insolvency and restructuring and on the complex GBP130m FILO (first -in-last-out) asset based finance structure; we were awarded Finance Team of the Year at the Lawyer awards 2020 for this work.
Acute Peak Investments Limited on the HKD290 million proposed acquisition of shares of Auto Brave Limited, an investment company which is principally engaged in the provision of foundation and substructure construction services in Hong Kong, from Huarong Investment Stock Corporation Limited (HKEX: 2277)
DORA countdown: The new EU digital operational resilience framework becomes operational
Bank of England announces completion of latest exercise to test sector's resilience to major operational disruption
作者 Martin Dowdall 以及 Struan Clark
Completing the jigsaw: the launch of the Taskforce on Inequality and Social-related Financial Disclosures
高级管理人员及认证制度 (SMCR) 是金融业个人问责制的新框架,取代了以前的“获批准个人”制度。我们的 SMCR 网络工具可免费使用,有助于确定扩充后的 SMCR 制度的范围和应用。该工具仅提供英文版。
我们的数据泄露移动应用程序帮助不同组织就数据泄露做好准备并采取应对措施。2018年5月25日之后,许多组织可能将面临数百万英镑的数据泄露罚款。泰乐信:网络响应应用程序提供切实协助,帮助客户尽可能有效地做好准备,并对数据泄露进行相应管理,以使他们被采取监管措施、被起诉以及声誉受损的风险降到最低。该应用程序可从 App Store 和 Google Play Store 商店下载。