Our Turkish Desk is strategically located outside national borders to meet the needs of Turkish clients who are based in or looking to expand into the CEE or other countries in Europe and beyond. Vice versa, our network of trusted intermediaries ensures that our Turkish Desk serves clients based in the CEE or other countries in Europe and beyond who aim to do business in the Republic of Türkiye.
Our mission and strength is to provide you with world-class, Turkish-speaking lawyers and client relationship managers who are not only experts in their field of law, but also know the market and culture very well. They never lose sight of your goals as your entrusted confidant in all stages of your business cycle.
Counsel Tuğçe Yalçın heads newly established CEE Turkish Desk
作者 Tuğçe Yalçın, LL.M., Ph.D. (Oxford/London) 以及 Raimund Cancola
We offer a full range of legal services through our international offices, especially in the CEE region, while we do not specifically practice Turkish law. We are particularly strong in:
Our experts are a commended source of considered, multilingual advice that both businesses and high net worth individuals stand to gain from. Grounded on our credentials, core business sectors and established Taylor Wessing network, we excellently represent our clients in all commercial activities in the following sectors and beyond:
Through regular local contacts and visits, we have established close working relationships with some of the best Turkish law firms and have strong ties to leading local intermediaries, industry associations and international organisations. Working alongside such organisations means that, combined with our own services, we offer you a broad, thorough and integrated set of services delivered to the highest standard. We tackle client specific business needs efficiently through cross-border and cross-practice work to act in your best interest.
In addition to our legal services, our team assists with translations, notarial support or makes arrangements for additional services such as connecting you with prominent tax advisors in the CEE region and beyond, necessary for your success abroad.
CEE Turkish Desk: Mission statement
Our CEE Turkish Desk bridges the gap between Türkiye and CEE. We are adept in Turkish business and can thus provide invaluable support to clients looking to do business across borders.
CEE Türkiye Masamız, Türkiye ile Orta ve Doğu Avrupa arasındaki boşluğu doldurmaktadır. Türk iş dünyasında uzmanız ve bu nedenle sınır ötesi iş yapmak isteyen müvekkillerimize paha biçilmez destek sağlamaktayız.
Reach out to our CEE key contacts:
Tuğçe is the Head of our CEE Turkish Desk. She advises both Turkish investors and companies aiming to enter the CEE markets as well as investors and companies based in Europe who are positioning themselves or making investments in Türkiye in her three native languages German, English and Turkish. As a dual-qualified lawyer (Attorney at Law in Austria and Solicitor of the Senior Courts of England and Wales) and Counsel in the Corporate/M&A practice group, she has more than 10 years of experience in cross-border M&A, private equity (PE), joint venture (JV), warranty & indemnity (W&I) and financial transactions as well as on global corporate restructurings including the regulatory aspects such as the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Screening Regulation and the export control. Another main area of her practice are transport & logistics projects often with a focus on the CEE region.
Tuğçe, CEE Türkiye Masamız’ın Başkanıdır. Tuğçe, hem Orta ve Doğu Avrupa (CEE) pazarlarına girmeyi hedefleyen Türk şirketlerine ve yatırımcılarına hem de Türkiye'de kendilerini konumlandıran veya yatırım yapan Avrupa merkezli şirketlere Almanca, İngilizce ve Türkçe olmak üzere üç ana dilde hukuki danışmanlık yapmaktadır. Avusturya ve İngiltere barolarına kayıtlı bir avukat olan Tuğçe, Corporate/M&A grubunda Counsel olarak M&A, Özel Sermaye (Private Equity), Ortak Girişim (Joint Venture), Garanti ve Sigorta (Warranty & Insurance) ve finansal işlemlerin yanı sıra Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırım (FDI) Tarama Yönetmelikleri ve ihracat kontrolleri gibi düzenleyici konular da dahil olmak üzere küresel kurumsal yeniden yapılandırma (Global Corporate Restructuring) konularında 10 yılı aşkın deneyime sahiptir. Çalışmalarının bir diğer ana alanı, ağırlıklı olarak CEE bölgesine odaklanan taşımacılık ve lojistik projeleridir.
Kristýna is both a Czech and Turkish citizen based in the Czech Republic. She is the President of the Czech Turkish Friendship Society and a registered attorney at the Czech Bar Association. Through her past mandated work, she has built strong ties to key Turkish intermediaries located in Europe from the public and private sectors. Kristýna has a focus on supporting national and international clients on all commercial matters, with in-depth experience in commercial agreements, consumer protection & retail and compliance, among others.
Kristýna, Çek Cumhuriyeti'nde yaşayan hem Çek hem de Türk vatandaşıdır. Kristýna, Çek Türk Dostluk Derneği'nin Başkanı ve Çek Barosu'na kayıtlı bir avukattır. Geçmişte müvekkillere yaptığı hukuki danışmanlıklar sayesinde, Avrupa'da bulunan kamu ve özel sektörden önemli Türk aracılarla güçlü bağlar kurmuştur. Kristýna, yerel ve uluslararası müvekkillere tüm ticari konularda hukuki destek sunmaktadır. Kendisinin uzmanlık alanları özellikle ticari sözmeşler, tüketici koruma & perakende (retail) and compliance (uyum).
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Taylor Wessing Czech Republic attorney initiator of successful Turkish Desk project
Counsel Tuğçe Yalçın heads newly established CEE Turkish Desk
作者 Tuğçe Yalçın, LL.M., Ph.D. (Oxford/London) 以及 Raimund Cancola