Global Data Hub

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EU case digest

We look at some of the key ECJ and DPA rulings around the processing of personal data in the EU last year, and at the lessons to be learned.


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Global Data Hub - EU case digest

What does the recent CJEU decision in Schrems v Meta mean for data aggregation practices in online advertising?

Christopher Bakier and Julia Pranz look at the CJEU's views on data minimisation and special data processing in the context of targeted digital advertising.


作者 Christopher Bakier 以及 Julia Pranz, LL.M.

3 / 6 观点

Global Data Hub - EU case digest

CNIL fines health data management software supplier for GDPR and French Data Protection Act failings

Laura Huck looks at the CNIL's analysis of the controller and processor role and at the distinction between anonymisation and pseudonymisation of health data.


作者 Laura Huck

2 / 6 观点

Global Data Hub - EU case digest

Dutch DPA imposes record-breaking fine of EUR 290 million on Uber for unlawful international data transfers

Sharif Ibrahim and Solange Baris take a high-level look at the Dutch DPA's decision to sanction Uber.


作者 Sharif Ibrahim 以及

1 / 6 观点

Global Data Hub - EU case digest

CJEU sheds light: commercial interests can serve as legitimate interests

Dominique Lensink looks at the CJEU's confirmation that the Dutch DPA's interpretation of legitimate interests was too strict.


作者 Dominique Lensink

5 / 6 观点

Global Data Hub - EU case digest

Bindl v Commission - The EGC on international data transfers and non-material damages

Susan Hillert looks at the implications of the European General Court ruling in Bindl v Commission.


作者 Susan Hillert, geb. Lipeyko, Lic. en droit (Toulouse I Capitole)

6 / 6 观点

Global Data Hub

What's changing and what's the same in the UK's Data (Use and Access) Bill from a GDPR compliance perspective?

Victoria Hordern looks at the main changes to the UK's data protection regime under the DUA Bill.


作者 Victoria Hordern

2 / 7 观点

Global Data Hub

Say hello to the Information Commission, wave goodbye to the Information Commissioner's Office

Debbie Heywood looks at the changes to the UK data regulator's governance and powers under the draft Data (Use and Access) Bill in relation to the UK GDPR and DPA18.


作者 Debbie Heywood

5 / 7 观点

Global Data Hub

The proposed Digital Identification Verification regime under the UK's Data (Use and Access) Bill

Prachi Vasisht looks at the proposals for the DVS framework and the Trust Services regime under the DUA Bill.


作者 Prachi Vasisht

7 / 7 观点

Global Data Hub

ePrivacy reforms in the UK's Data (Use and Access) Bill

Megan Lukins looks at proposed changes to the UK's ePrivacy regime under the DUA Bill.


作者 Megan Lukins

6 / 7 观点
