Frequently recommended lawyer for trademark and design law
Andreas specialises in advice and litigation on intellectual property law as well as competition and advertising law. He advises on the conceptual design of advertising strategies and advertising campaigns.
Andreas also regularly assists companies in the implementation and defence of individual advertising initiatives as well as when action has to be taken against the advertising of a competitor. The protection of trade secrets and know-how forms part of his practice whilst a further focus is on trademark and design law. For many years, his clients have included national and international brand name companies as well as companies primarily from the Internet service and consumer goods industries.
Deutsche Vereinigung für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrechtin: GRUR
Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Industrielle, in: AIPPI
Frequently recommended lawyer for trademark and design law
Frequently recommended lawyer for competition law
Law firm of the year for IP Law
Trademark Firm of the Year, Germany
Leading individual: Intellectual Property Law
Outstanding Firm
Recommended Lawyer for trade marks
Recommended Lawyer for Unfair Competition
Frequently recommended: Trademark and competition law
Leading individual: Intellectual Property Law
good competition lawyer, highly competent and pragmatic", competitor
Often recommended: Trademarks, Designs and Unfair Competition
"good person, cooperation on a high professional level" competitor
Leading individual: Intellectual property law
"has familiarised himself well, collegial and objective in the process", client
"has familiarized himself well, collegial and factual in the process", client
"quick and precise"
par Andreas Bauer
Taylor Wessing advises Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan on $95 million Series C financing round of Instagrid
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JUVE Awards 2023: Taylor Wessing named "Law Firm of the Year for IP”
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par Nyarayek Moboic et Stan Nijenhuis
par Jason Rawkins et Simon Jupp
par Fabio Lo Iacono et Louise Popple
par Louise Popple
par Louise Popple
par plusieurs auteurs
par Jason Rawkins et Simon Jupp
par Marie Keup
par Jason Rawkins et Simon Jupp