Frequently recommended lawyer for trademark and design law
Thorsten advises on all aspects of intellectual property and competition law. His activities include advice and representation in court in the field of trademark law, copyright law and unfair competition law as well as the protection of trade secrets.
His main areas of practice include supervising advertising campaigns and new products, advising online shops and Internet service providers and dealing with licences and R&D contracts.
Geheimhaltungsanordnung nicht durch Geheimnisträger anfechtbar, in: GRUR-Prax 2023, 689
Does AI enhance the risk of dark patterns and how does EU Law regulate them? in: ZdiW 2023, 207
Kennzeichnung eines Influencer-Beitrags zu E-Books als Werbung, wenn diese kostenlos überlassen wurden, in: GRUR-Prax 2022, 394 (Bespr. Zu OLG Frankfurt a.M., Urt. v. 19.5.2022, 6 U 56/21 – Influencer E-Books)
Fremde Marken fürs eigene Marketing nutzen?, in: W&V, 03/2021, together with Katharina H. Reuer
Geheimhaltungsanordnung nach GVG gilt nur für in mündlicher Verhandlung Anwesende, in: GRUR-Prax, 06/2021, p. 184, together with Jelena Patzke
Angemessene Schutzmaßnahmen i. S. d. Geschäftsgeheimnisgesetzes, in: Der Compliance Berater, 4/2021, p. 136, together with Johannes Simon
Herausforderung: Influencer-Marketing, in: GRUR-Prax, 2018, p. 87
Nutzung fremder Marken als Werbelotsen im Internet, in: IPRB 2017, p. 206 - 212, Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt, together with Katharina H. Reuer
Lecturer at the HKBiS der Handelskammer Hamburg
Lecturer at the Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg
Gesellschaft für Urheberrecht und Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz (GRUR)
Hamburger Anwaltsvereins HAV
Frequently recommended lawyer for trademark and design law
Frequently recommended lawyer for competition law
Law firm of the year for IP Law
Trademark Firm of the Year, Germany
Outstanding Firm
Recommended Lawyer for Unfair Competition
Frequently recommended: Trademark and competition law
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DDG lays the foundation for enforcing the EU Digital Services Act in Germany
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JUVE Awards 2023: Taylor Wessing named "Law Firm of the Year for IP”
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by multiple authors
by Jason Rawkins and Simon Jupp
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by Jason Rawkins and Simon Jupp
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by Jason Rawkins and Simon Jupp
by Naomi Kannekens and Maarten Rijks