Salary Partner
Alexander advises national and international companies on all aspects of patent law and competition law concerning matters with a technical background. Furthermore, he has extensive experience in conducting patent infringement proceedings.
Alexander focuses on advising clients in connection with telecommunication, information technology, electronics, medical devices and pharma. Particularly noteworthy is his expertise in advising clients in the field of technical property rights, which are used in the industrial sectors as a result of standardisations.
Funktionelles Verständnis des Benutzungsbegriffs und mittelbare Markenverletzung, MarkenR 2012, p. 240-247
Die Wirkung unterschiedlicher Formulierungen bei der vorprozessualen Kontaktaufnahme, insb. einfache Anfragen und Verwarnungen, in: Clavora/Garber (Hrsg.), Sprache und Zivilverfahrensrecht, Wien 2013, p. 91-104
Die Berechtigungsanfrage, Tübingen 2018, 452 pages, Mohr Siebeck, Geistiges Eigentum und Wettbewerbsrecht 144.
Law firm of the year for IP Law
Recommended lawyer for patent litigation (solicitors)
"I had the pleasure of working with Roland Küppers and Alexander Rubusch: The unagitated professionalism with which they approached the issues always led to a creative and profitable discussion for the client. During the negotiations, their demeanour was professional, objective and yet with the necessary emphasis."
German AI defence company Helsing raises USD 223 (€209) million in capital in a Series B funding round. The round was led by General Catalyst, which was comprehensively advised by our team and led by Berlin-based VC partner Dr Norman Röchert on all legal aspects of the transaction.
Press releaseby multiple authors
JUVE Awards 2023: Taylor Wessing named "Law Firm of the Year for IP”
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Taylor Wessing advises General Catalyst on USD 223 million Series B financing in AI defence company Helsing
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by multiple authors
by Julia Siedhoff and Dr. Hendrik Boss
by multiple authors
by multiple authors
by multiple authors
by multiple authors
by Marie Keup