Gisbert heads up the German Practice Group Patents Technology & Life Sciences of Taylor Wessing. He advises national and international companies on intellectual property matters with a focus on patent and utility model law as well as employee invention law. His main practice focus is on litigation in patent infringement proceedings as well as advice in the field of product launches.
Incentive-Systeme für Arbeitnehmererfindungen in der betrieblichen Praxis, GRUR-Prax 2014, 317-319
Neuer europaweiter Patentschutz bringt innovativen Firmen viele Chancen (EU-Patent), IHK-Magazin München und Oberbayern 04/2013, p. 21 ff.
EU-Patent: Deutschlands führende Rolle in Patentprozessen ist gefährdet, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 16. Januar 2013, p. 19
Der Lohn der Innovation (Interview zu Arbeitnehmererfindungen), Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 6./7. April 2013, Beruf und Chance, Nr. 80, C 2
Überlegungen zur Rechtsnatur der Kopierfreiheit, in: Perspektiven des Geistigen Eigentums und Wettbewerbsrechts : Festschrift für Gerhard Schricker, München: Beck, 2005, p. 353 – 368.
Die Freiheit der Vervielfältigung zum eigenen Gebrauch, München: Beck, 2004, p. 649
Die verhältnismäßige Beteiligung des Urhebers im französischen Urhebervertragsrecht, in: Urheberrecht gestern - heute - morgen: Festschrift für Adolf Dietz, München: Beck, 2001, p. 81-100
Deutsche Vereinigung für Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht
International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property
UNION-IP of European Practitioners in Intellectual Property
Vereinigung von Fachleuten des Gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes
Association Littéraire et Artistique Internationale, Paris
“very experienced”, competitor
Leading individual for patent litigation
Frequently recommended lawyer for patent litigation/ Lawyers
Law firm of the year for IP Law
Recommended Lawyer: Germany - IP - Patents
Bronze - Individuals: infringement: "Dietrich Kamlah, Christian Lederer, Gisbert Hohagen and Anja Lunze have each played a key role in the smooth running of this case. Kamlah and Lederer are both talented leaders who can get large trial teams pulling in the same direction to try and achieve the best possible outcome for their following. They are expert problem solvers who craft arguments that will land with the judge. Hohagen comes in for praise for his “excellent legal skill, timeliness and straight-to-the-point counselling, which is always strategic and aligned with his clients’ best interests”. While Lunze takes a bird’s-eye view of issues to dispense holistic advice that also focuses on her patrons’ main concerns. "
Leading individual: Intellectual Property Law
Recommended lawyer for patent litigation (solicitors)
Leading individual: Patent litigation/lawyers
Notable practitioner – Germany
Leading individual: Gisbert Hohagen is a brilliant patent litigator with an in-depth understanding of not only the complex legal but also the technical issues of his cases. Confident and highly experienced, he is passionate about winning, and is a real fighter in the courtroom, always ready to go the extra mile for the client. He excels in terms of competence, timeliness, and client focus. His counselling is invariably to the point, both on a strategic and material level, and particularly aligned with the client’s interests. It is a pleasure teaming up with him and working on common projects. You can rely on him to be perfectly prepared for every brief and every hearing. His briefs are polished down to the comma. He is pedantic in a positive sense and enormously tough on the opponent. He always remains emphatically businesslike but tough, which recognisably makes an impression on the courts.
Leading individual: Intellectual Property Law
National Leader - Germany - Patents
Ranked with Chambers and Partners for Intellectual Property: Patent Litigation
Often recommended lawyer for patent litigation
competitor: "experienced, confident and competent”
Excellent lawyer: Patent litigation
Stand-out Lawyer
Global Leader - IP - Patents
Leading lawyer in patent litigation
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Locked out forever? The reasoning of the Helsinki Local Divison on Art. 83 (4) UPCA
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