Mark is a partner in our Dispute & Investigations team. He specialises in dispute resolution with a strong focus on corporate disputes and corporate litigation. Mark also has considerable experience in international commercial dispute resolution, including in arbitration.
Artikel 6:166 BW: onbekend maakt onbemind? (co-author): AV&S, 2012, 2012/21
De Europese stichting: terug naar de tekentafel (co-author): NtEr, 2013, 2013/3
Tijdschrift Mededingingsrecht in de Praktijk 224. Skanska: de opmars van het ondernemingsbegrip in de civiele procespraktijk, 2019/4 SDU
We have advised Invesco Real Estate (Invesco), the global real estate investment manager, on its new strategic long-term partnership with Westmont, one of the largest private hotel property owners and operators with approximately 400 hotels in Europe, North America, Africa and Asia. Westmont will operate and co-invest in the portfolio of 13 IHG branded hotels located in key cities in Germany and the Netherlands.
Press releaseby Mark Goorts and Tim Mimpen
European Franchise Newsletter n33
by multiple authors
Sharp nuances in revocation and reversal of an arbitral award due to fraud
by Mark Goorts and Samy Akeb
by multiple authors
by multiple authors
by Katie Chandler and Samantha Brendish
by multiple authors
by multiple authors
by multiple authors
by multiple authors
by Katie Chandler and Samantha Brendish
by multiple authors