“Particularly high quality and quality assurance by Sonja Ackermann.”
Sonja is a lawyer for commercial and distribution law. She assists her clients with advice on purchasing and distribution and realises their goals with creative solutions.
Her special focus is also on advising clients in the areas of leasing and equipment rental as well as on supporting them in the development and implementation of new mobility concepts. With her expertise from complex projects, Sonja acts for national and international clients, especially in the automotive and healthcare sectors. This also includes support in day-to-day business and representation in disputes.
BGH zur AGB-rechtlichen Unwirksamkeit eines nachvertraglichen Wettbewerbsverbots in Handelsvertretervertrag, Der Betrieb 2016, p. 1306
Das internationale Privatrecht der Unternehmensübernahme, 2008
Neuerungen durch das Gesetz zur Bekämpfung von Zahlungsverzug im Geschäftsverkehr, Der Betrieb 2014, 1919
“Particularly high quality and quality assurance by Sonja Ackermann.”
Recommended lawyer for trade, distribution and logistics
Recommended lawyer for trade, distribution and logistics
“Sonja Ackermann is extremely quick to think herself into complicated topics, in order to offer a fantastic realisation just as quickly and that full of lightness and freshness. She is a real genius.”
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