Frequently recommended lawyer for Succession, Assets, Foundations
Cornelia is a specialist lawyer for family law. Her practice focuses on providing clients with consensual and out-of-court solutions. This includes negotiating and drafting prenuptial agreements with a special focus on agreements of international relevance and separation agreements, as well as agreements covering the legal consequences of divorce.
A further focus of Cornelia’s practice is on advising high-net-worth individuals on all matters relating to corporate and asset succession - both in the area of anticipated succession through gifts inter vivos and by drawing up preventive wills prior to the death of the testator. If necessary, she also represents her clients’ interests in court. In addition, Cornelia gives specialist lectures on a regular basis.
Legal 500 Country Comparative Guides 2024 Germany Family Law, in: Legal 500 Family Law, 10/2024, together with Johanna Beermann
Vor- und Nacherbschaft vs. Vermächtnis auf den Überrest in der Beratungspraxis, in: Recht der Familienunternehmen, 11/2023, together with Saskia Ballon
Wie sich die Betreuungsreform auf Unternehmer und Vermögende auswirkt, in: private banking magazin, 03/2023, together with Johanna Beermann
Vorsorgevollmacht und Ehegattenvertretung – Praxisrelevante Neuerungen ab 01.01.2023, in: RFamU 2022, 559, together with Johanna Beermann
Wo der Bundesfinanzhof den Gestaltungsspielraum erweitert hat, in: private banking magazin, 07/2022, together with Johanna Beermann
Tücken der Vor- und Nacherbschaft in Unternehmerfamilien, in: private banking magazin, 03/2022, together with Saskia Ballon
Diese Besonderheiten gelten bei international geprägten Ehen, in: private banking magazin, 08/2021, together with Johanna Beermann
Scheidung: Mit diesen Tipps und Verträgen wird die Trennung nicht zum Firmenkiller, in: handwerk magazin, 03/2020
Bezos braucht jetzt besonderes Verhandlungsgeschick, Interview in WiWo, January 2019
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Familienrecht im Deutschen Anwaltsverein
Frequently recommended lawyer for Succession, Assets, Foundations
Key lawyer: Private Clients and Nonprofits
"I greatly appreciate Cornelia Maetschke-Biersack because she has an extraordinarily comprehensive knowledge of family and inheritance law and cross-border expertise."
Frequently recommended lawyer for succession/assets/foundations
'"very competent", client; "refreshingly clear statements without laying it on thick", competitor
Law Firm of the Year for Succession, Wealth, Foundations
by multiple authors
by John Sweeney
by Mark Chan and Gerald Chen
by Nick Warr and Ronald Graham
by Rachel Davison and Josh Eaton