Jörg advises retail companies, disposal companies, companies operating in the commercial sector and service industry as well as publicly-owned companies in the most diverse areas of public commercial law. This primarily includes environmental law (rubbish; water; protection against harmful effects on the environment through air pollution, noise, vibrations, and similar factors; soil protection) as well as public construction law and planning law.
This long-standing expertise in specific public-law issues and projects with interface function to other disciplines helps him find practical and tailored solutions for his clients that are far from the standard. Jörg’s passion for public law is documented in numerous publications, editorial works, and seminars.
Dienstrecht vs. Arbeitsrecht: Unterschiede, Steuerungsmechanismen und zukünftige Entwicklungen, in: Glock/Broens (Hrsg.), Verwaltung 2030, 2013, S. 117
§§ 3, 63-71, in: Mann/Sennekamp/Uechtritz, VwVfG – NomosGroßkommentar, 2. Auflage 2019
§§ 5, 11, 87, in: Schönenbroicher/Kamp (Hrsg.), BauO NRW - Kommentar, 2012
§§ 14, 15 BauNVO, in: Spannowski/Hornmann/Kämper (Hrsg.), BeckOK-Baurecht
Zur Eingliederung von Beamten der früheren Versorgungsverwaltung in die Kommunalverwaltung, NWVBl. 2011, S. 50
Ein ganz normaler Schulalltag?, ad legendum 2011, S. 38
Fällt nun auch das Fremdkindadoptionsverbot, NJW 2011, S. 259
Großveranstaltungen im Koordinatensystem der Rechtsregime. DVBl. 2011, S. 139
Cuestiones actuales del derecho local alemán, in: Velasco Caballero (Hrsg.), Organización del anuario de derecho Municipal 2010, 2011, S. 219 (zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Martin Burgi)
Die Kommunalisierung von Staatsaufgaben, 2010 (zugl.: Bochum, Univ., Diss.)
REWE Group on provision of cross border regulatory advice relating to the acquisition of Lekkerland, a multinational wholesale and distributor business. The team advised on all regulatory issues including permits, EHS, dangerous goods and product related requirements such as the Tobacco Directive. The team also provided an in depth analysis of all affected jurisdictions (Austria, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, and Switzerland).
Press releaseSaint-Gobain on the acquisition of all the shares of Kaimann GmbH, Hövelhof, one of the leading European manufacturers of elastomeric insulating materials. With this acquisition, the Saint-Gobain Group strengthened its position as market leader and complemented its portfolio of materials and technologies. Taylor Wessing has a long-standing client relationship with Saint-Gobain.
Clients from both the public and private sector on all opposition and legal proceedings regarding all legal aspects of the Federal Emission Control Act (BImSchG). Advice has included dangerous waste proceedings with respect to contaminated sites and ground protection in addition to all further aspects of environmental law and planning approvals across different industries.
A leading German trading company on their retail property portfolio, advising on project developments across numerous locations in Germany (advising on both the modernisation and expansion of the branch network) in addition to advising on administrative compliance, environmental due diligence and protecting the portfolio against potential attack from third parties.