Publication series – 1 / 30 观点
The challenges of climate change and its impact on the extraction and use of raw materials and energy are driving innovation worldwide, primarily for the energy industry, but also for many other sectors. The pace of technical and regulatory developments is high, and the dynamics are an ongoing challenge for all stakeholders. Geopolitical aspects and risks are also increasingly influencing further developments and presenting all market players with additional challenges.
Against this backdrop, our energy team bundles comprehensive expertise in all relevant areas of law with profound industry knowledge in the Power Play: Renewable Energy Update publication series. We provide answers to central and current legal and regulatory issues that directly affect the renewable energy industry and companies across all sectors. Our lawyers accompany and comment on trends and future topics as well as current legal developments relating to (inter-)national energy law and regulatory aspects and future-oriented technologies.
Taylor Wessing's international Energy & Infrastructure industry group has more than 50 experts in 17 locations and 28 offices. We have been active in the field of renewable energies in particular for around 20 years and have extensive legal and commercial expertise and in-depth market knowledge.
Power Play: Renewable Energy Update
Power Play: Renewable Energy Update
Power Play: Renewable Energy Update
Power Play: Renewable Energy Update
作者 Olav Nemling
Power Play: Renewable Energy Update
Power Play: Renewable Energy Update
Power Play: Renewable Energy Update
Power Play: Renewable Energy Update
作者 Dr. Paul Voigt, Lic. en Derecho, CIPP/E, Dr. Markus Böhme, LL.M. (Nottingham)
Power Play: Renewable Energy Update
作者 作者
Power Play: Renewable Energy Update
Power Play: Renewable Energy Update
作者 Dr. Paul Voigt, Lic. en Derecho, CIPP/E, Alexander Schmalenberger, LL.B.
Power Play: Renewable Energy Update
作者 Dr. Christian Ertel 以及 Dr. Markus Böhme, LL.M. (Nottingham)
作者 Dr. Markus Böhme, LL.M. (Nottingham) 以及 Rebekka Ackermann