Clients call on Paul for his expertise with reorganisations, employee participation, and terminations. He's a partner in our Employment, Pensions and Mobility group.
Paul’s clients include large retailers, housing associations and major construction companies. He supports businesses with employment strategy, incentive plans and bonus schemes, fraud investigations, allegations of unfair dismissal or discrimination and any subsequent litigation. If you sit on your company's board, Paul will advise you on good governance.
Vakantiedagen: opletten vanaf, co-author, January 2012
Elsevier Salaris Magazine, 2011
Multiple housing companies on employment issues, the transaction of services, reorganizations and organizational changes, outsourcing, social plans and investigations into directors’ liability, WNT and governance.
The Board of Directors of eeveral construction companies on good governance, dismissal of directors, management incentive plans, bonus schemes, relationship supervisory board and liability.
Senior Executives/directors on their employment and consultancy arrangements, dismissal litigation and shareholders/supervisory meetings.
The works council of a power and energy company on reorganization, change of location and merger, social plan.
A large national retailer on an extensive fraud investigation, dismissal and employment strategy, contracts, compliance and non-compete litigation.
New twists in the debate on the employment contract after two years of illness
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Court in preliminary relief proceedings requires employer to terminate employment with long-term disabled employee and to pay transition allowance
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