Jörg specialises in the Internet, IT, media and telecommunications sectors and advises TMT companies on transactions and projects, product launches and the design of business models.
His clients include search engines, blogging and microblogging services, access providers, various hosting services and large Internet portals, which he advises and represents in particular on questions of liability on the Internet. In this context, which is continuously developing and is characterised by conflict, Jörg has led and continues to lead a large number of often ground-breaking test cases, particularly on questions of copyright, personal rights, press law and data protection law.
Rechtliche Kritik am NetzDG-Entwurf, 2017, gemeinsam mit Britta Heymann
The CJEU’s Communication to the Public: Better Check Before Placing a Hyperlink?, in: CRi 2016, S. 129-133, gemeinsam mit Jörg Wimmers und Adam Rendle
EU Consultation on Ancillary Copyright for Publishers, gemeinsam mit Malek Barudi, 05/2016
EU-Urheberrechtsreform, in: IPRB, S. 16-21, gemeinsam mit Malek Barudi, 2016
Schricker/Loewenheim, Urheberrecht, §§ 101-101b UrhG, 4. Aufl. (2010), §§ 97-105, 112-119 UrhG, 5. Aufl. 2014
Wimmers/Mundhenk, Das Haftungsrisiko des Hostingproviders, in: IPRB, 2014, 58ff.
Nolte/Wimmers, Wer stört? Gedanken zur Haftung von Intermediären im Internet, in: GRUR, 2014, 16ff.
Heise Onlinerecht, Band I, Kap. 3, Haftung für fremde Inhalte, Loseblattsammlung, 2011, gemeinsam mit Carsten Schulz
Berger/Wündisch, Urhebervertragsrecht, Kap. Software-Lizenzvertrag, 2008, gemeinsam mit Christian Frank
“very good litigation lawyer”, Competitor
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"Jörg Wimmers is dedicated, passionate, an industry expert and a successful litigator."
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Frequently recommended: Media law
Leading individual: Contract and copyright law
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