Leading individual: Mergers & Acquisitions
Ingo advises insurance and reinsurance companies on M&A and other transactions, i.e. on the acquisition and sale of business shares or insurance portfolios, on the establishment of insurance companies and their (branch) offices in Germany as well as on the run-off of portfolios and outsourcings.
He also assesses executive liability scenarios in connection with directors' and officers' (D&O) liability insurance. Ingo has particular expertise in commercial an coporate law, including joint venture companies, M&A, real estate and technology transfer with a special focus on China.
A legal perspective on foreign investment in China’s healthcare industry, in: EURObiz, 2015
Das neue chinesische Unternehmensinsolvenzgesetz, in: Optimierung von Einkauf und Beschaffung in China, 2009, p. 21–25
Einkauf in China – Gestaltung von Kaufverträgen, in: Optimierung von Einkauf und Beschaffung in China, 2009, p. 25–30
Leading individual: Mergers & Acquisitions
A multinational automotive supplier on the acquisition of local Chinese automotive supplier in form of an asset deal.
A German pharmaceutical company on distribution models and agreements in China.
A global medical device company on the acquisition of a Chinese medical device manufacturer in the form of a share deal.
A German manufacturer of machinery on setting up a joint venture company in North China.
A German automotive supplier on setting up a wholly-foreign owned trading company in China.
A multinational automotive supplier on general terms and conditions of purchase under PRC law.
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Taylor Wessing advises Cambiaso Risso on the acquisition of Trident Special Risks
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par Alexander Swayne
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par Julia Siedhoff et Dr. Hendrik Boss
par Dr. Axel Frhr. von dem Bussche, LL.M. (L.S.E.), CIPP/E et Prof. Dr. Michael Johannes Pils
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par Jason Rawkins et Simon Jupp
par Victoria Hordern