Christopher specialises in national and cross-border M&A transactions. He also advises on joint ventures and restructurings (in particular mergers and demergers) as well as on general questions of corporate law.
He represents a wide range of clients, including German and international companies and financial investors. Christopher has advised clients from numerous industry sectors on M&A transactions and a particular focus of his practice is the healthcare industry. He advises hospital owners, operators of medical care centres and other healthcare facilities on M&A transactions, restructurings and the structuring of corporate alliances and networks.
Transaktionen – Veräußerung und Erwerb von Krankenhäusern, Rehabilitations- und Pflegeeinrichtungen, Beck'sches Formularbuch Medizin- und Gesundheitsrecht (Co-Autor), 2. Auflage 2022
Geld hat man zu haben! Kaufpreissicherung und Finanzierungsverpflichtungen im Unternehmenskaufvertrag (Co-Autor), Deutscher Anwaltspiegel, Ausgabe 15/2021
Vorbereitung und Planung einer Umstrukturierung, in: Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht, 10/2021, gemeinsam mit Jan W. Grawe
Neuaufschlag beim Transparenzregister, in: Unternehmeredition, gemeinsam mit Kian Böhmer, 10/2021
Herausforderungen für M&A-Projekte durch die Corona-Krise: Auswirkungen auf Kaufpreis, Kaufpreisfindung und -sicherung, Corona M&A Blog der der M&A Review, 26. Juni 2020
Der M&A- und Private-Equity-Markt im Life Sciences und Healthcare-Sektor, Health & Care Management, 29. April 2020
Nachrangdarlehen, Partiarisches Darlehen, Forderungsverzicht gegen Besserungsschein, in: Bösl/Schimpfky/von Beauvais, Fremdfinanzierung für den Mittelstand, 2014 (co–author)
The NORD Holding portfolio company Zentrum Gesundheit, the leading ophthalmology group in Lower Saxony, has acquired the majority in REALEYES Group. REALEYES is a market-leading premium provider in the field of ophthalmology in the greater Munich area with over 100 employees at a total of 21 locations. REALEYES offers a wide range of medical treatments in addition to a growing refractive range.
Press releaseAdvised Nordmed Healthcare GmbH (Medicover Group) on the acquisition of AWO Krankenhaus Calbe, a hospital for internal medicine with a geriatric focus. Medicover Group provides integrated and high-quality healthcare services.
Press releaseAdvised NORD Holding Unternehmensbeteiligungsgesellschaft mbH on the acquisition of a majority interest in Zentrum Gesundheit Group from Waterland Private Equity Investments. Zentrum Gesundheit is a leading German group of eye surgery and diagnostic centers.
Advised Oberberg GmbH on the acquisition of Panorama Fachkliniken (Scheidegg/Allgäu).) As a result of the acquisition, the Berlin-based company's nationwide network will in future be made up of thirteen facilities, making it the leading quality association of private clinics in the field of psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychosomatics in the German-speaking countries.
Press releaseOberberg Group on the successful refinancing of its existing credit lines. The new financing also served several add-on acquisitions. This included the internationally renowned private clinic Jägerwinkel am Tegernsee, which is expanding the treatment spectrum of the Group with its range of integrative holistic psychosomatics with a focus on interdisciplinary pain therapy. In addition, Panorama Fachklinik, an acute hospital for psychosomatics, and Privatklinik Hubertus im Allgäu, a specialist hospital for psychosomatics, psychotherapy and naturopathy, were acquired.
Press releaseNORD Holding, a leading private equity house, on the acquisition of the majority interest in Zentrum Gesundheit Group, a leading German group of ophthalmic surgery and diagnostic centres, from Waterland Private Equity. NORD Holding, together with the management and medical team, acquired a stake as a new partner and majority shareholder. In this deal the Taylor Wessing team again demonstrated its interdisciplinary expertise in the areas of healthcare M&A, regulatory and acquisition financing.
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Taylor Wessing advises NORD Holding and Zentrum Gesundheit on the acquisition of REALEYES Group
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Taylor Wessing advises NORD Holding and Zentrum Gesundheit on the acquisition of Klinik Flechsig
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par Leona Ahmed et Lacy Gratton