Frequently recommended lawyer for M&A
Michael is a proven specialist and solution-oriented negotiator for complex M&A and private equity transactions. He represents the interests of strategic and financial investors from Germany and abroad, including hospital operators, medical care centre operators, medical technology and life sciences companies, and other healthcare providers - a range that reflects his strong industry expertise.
Michael´s portfolio includes advice on large corporate transactions acting either on the side of the buyer or the seller, but also on restructuring, joint ventures, minority shareholdings, management investments and general corporate law issues.
Michael published a number of contributions on corporate law matters in trade journals and has given talks on Private Equity related topics on a regular basis. He is co-author of the handbook on medical and healthcare law (Beck’sches Formularbuch Medizin- und Gesundheitsrecht).
He co-heads the International Life Sciences & Healthcare industry group.
Steigende Haftungsrisiken für Klinikgeschäftsführung - So stellen Sie rechtzeitig die entscheidenden juristischen Weichen, in: Klinik Management aktuell, Sonderdruck 09/2020, 25. Jg., S. 46-49, gemeinsam mit Christopher Peine
Herausforderungen für M&A-Projekte durch die Corona-Krise: Auswirkungen auf Kaufpreis, Kaufpreisfindung und -sicherung, in: M&A Review, 06/2020, gemeinsam mit Christopher Peine
Der M&A- und Private-Equity-Markt im Life Sciences und Healthcare-Sektor, in: Health&Care Management, 04/2020, gemeinsam mit Christopher Peine
Transaktionen – Veräußerung und Erwerb von Krankenhäusern, Rehabilitations- und Pflegeeinrichtungen (Kapitel J.), in: Scholz/Treptow, Beck’sches Formularbuch Medizin- und Gesundheitsrecht, 1. Auflage 2017, gemeinsam mit Christopher Peine
Die Suche nach dem richtigen Partner – Strukturfragen der Gesundheitsholding, in: HCM Kolumne, 03/2017, gemeinsam mit Christopher Peine
Finanzinvestoren im Gesundheitsmarkt – Transaktionen und Kooperationen als Bestandteil der Investitionsstrategie, in: HCM Kolumne, 01/2017, gemeinsam mit Christopher Peine
Die Verbundlösung - eine Bestandsaufnahme aus rechtlicher Sicht, in: HCM Kolumne, 11/2015 und HCM Ausgabe 1-2/2016, 7. Jg., S. 53, gemeinsam mit Christopher Peine
Unternehmensverkäufe: Exklusiv-Vereinbarungen versus Auktion, in: FYB Financial Yearbook, 12/2014
Kostendruck, knappe Kassen und die Konsolidierung des Marktes Rosige Zeiten für Privatinvestoren im Gesundheitswesen, in: NZS 2011, 525 ff., gemeinsam mit Oliver Klöck
Anmerkung zu BGH-Urteil vom 11.12.2006 – II ZR 243/05, Haftung eines fakultativen Aufsichtsrats einer GmbH, DZWiR 2007, 327 ff.
Anmerkung zu BGH-Urteil vom 16.01.2006 – II ZR 76/04, Kapitalaufbringung bei der GmbH im Rahmen eines sog. Cash-Pool-Systems, DZWiR 2006, 248 ff.
Kapitalerhaltung bei GmbH und AG, DZWiR 2004, 493 ff.
Frequently recommended lawyer for M&A
Frequently recommended lawyer for Private Equity, especially health care
Leading individual: Private Equity Law
Recommended lawyer: Healthcare and life sciences
Key lawyer for M&A
Frequently recommended lawyer for M&A
Frequently recommended lawyer for Private Equity, especially health care
"fair and solution-oriented", competitor
Leading individual: Private Equity Law
Recommended lawyer: Healthcare
Excellent lawyer: Healthcare, pharmaceuticals & biotech
Leading individual: Private Equity
Taylor Wessing advises ICIG on acquisition of Evonik's Lülsdorf chemical site
Press releaseThe NORD Holding portfolio company Zentrum Gesundheit, the leading ophthalmology group in Lower Saxony, has acquired the majority in REALEYES Group. REALEYES is a market-leading premium provider in the field of ophthalmology in the greater Munich area with over 100 employees at a total of 21 locations. REALEYES offers a wide range of medical treatments in addition to a growing refractive range.
Press releaseAdvised Nordmed Healthcare GmbH (Medicover Group) on the acquisition of AWO Krankenhaus Calbe, a hospital for internal medicine with a geriatric focus. Medicover Group provides integrated and high-quality healthcare services.
Press releaseAdvised NORD Holding Unternehmensbeteiligungsgesellschaft mbH on the acquisition of a majority interest in Zentrum Gesundheit Group from Waterland Private Equity Investments. Zentrum Gesundheit is a leading German group of eye surgery and diagnostic centers.
Advised Oberberg GmbH on the acquisition of Panorama Fachkliniken (Scheidegg/Allgäu).) As a result of the acquisition, the Berlin-based company's nationwide network will in future be made up of thirteen facilities, making it the leading quality association of private clinics in the field of psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychosomatics in the German-speaking countries.
Press releaseAdvised The Cadmus Group LLC, a leading US strategy consultancy on the acquisition of the consulting companies ifok GmbH and Meister Consultants Group.
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Taylor Wessing advises International Chemical Investors Group on acquisition of inprotec AG
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Taylor Wessing advises Azenta Life Sciences on the acquisition of the Barkey Group
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