Sebastian is a specialist in company law and capital market law. His clients primarily include listed companies and capital market-oriented corporations, investment banks, and other capital market participants.
Sebastian also advises executive boards and supervisory boards of listed companies on all legal and strategic matters.
#stayonboard – Das neue Recht auf Mandatspause, in: Der Betrieb, 09/2021
Aus AG wird N.V. – Der grenzüberschreitende Formwechsel einer deutschen AG in die Niederlande, in: AHA24x7, 09/2021
Nach der Krise ist vor der Krise - was müssen Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat eines Bundesligisten bei Transferentscheidungen beachten?, Audit Committee Quarterly, p. 28, 2020
Neue Grenzen bei der gerichtlichen Bestellung von Aufsichtsratsmitgliedern, in: NZG, 2014, p. 61
Aggressive Aktionäre als Reputationsrisiko, in: Börsen-Zeitung, 09/2014, p. 9, with Dr. Lars-Gerrit Lüßmann
Die Unabhängigkeit des Aufsichtsratsmitglieds unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des US-amerikanischen Rechts, Verlag Dr. Kovac, 2009
Key lawyer for Capital Markets: ECM
Next Generation Lawyer: Corporate
Next Generation Lawyer: Corporate
Under the leadership of the Frankfurt-based Taylor-Wessing partners Lars-Gerrit Lüßmann and Michael Sinhart, Formycon AG and ATHOS KG are merging their development activities in the field of so-called biosimilars, the follow-up products of biological medicines (biologics), in a long-term strategic partnership. The centrepiece of this agreement is Formycon AG’s participation in the rights of two biosimilars. The volume of the legally complex transaction (aggregate counter-performance) adds up to approximately 650 million euros.
Press releaseA Taylor Wessing team led by Frankfurt-based partners Lars-Gerrit Lüßmann and Ulrich Reers advised Hauck & Aufhäuser Investment Banking and Polish universal bank mBank in their role as exchange trustee and settlement agent on the voluntary public takeover/exchange offer by Frankfurt-listed Vita 34 AG, Leipzig, to the shareholders of Warsaw-listed stem cell bank Polski Bank Komórek Macierzystych S.A, Warsaw (PBKM). The transaction is the first cross-border exchange offer for a Polish listed company to date.
Press releaseEckert & Ziegler Strahlen- und Medizintechnik AG, a German FSE stock listed company on all aspects of a cross-border merger. Eckert & Ziegler Strahlen- und Medizintechnik AG, one of the world's largest suppliers of isotope technology components for radiation therapy and nuclear medicine with headquarters in Berlin, as absorbing entity merged with the Belgian Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG SA, which was listed on the Euronext Brussels stock exchange. The transaction is a rare example of cross-border mergers of two listed companies on the basis of the European harmonized requirements of the EU Company Directive (EU) 2017/1132.
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