泰乐信就与保险分配和基金投资相关的ESG法规向ERGO Group AG提供咨询服务。
Five Arrows Principal Investment on the acquisition of Dutch insurance business Voogd & Voogd from Bencis Capital Partners.
Press releaseHUK-Coburg Haftpflicht-Unterstützungs-Kasse Kraftfahrender Beamter Deutschlands a. G. in Coburg on the implementation of the new IDD requirements under insurance distribution regulatory law.
CHUBB European Group Limited, Directorate for Germany as member of its Cyber Incident Response Team. Chubb is the world’s largest publicly traded property and casualty insurance company.
A large insurance company on a major outsourcing project, involving a full digital transformation of their processes and systems to a major technology supplier. We advised, negotiated and drafted the various agreements, including coordinating multi-disciplinary support from across the firm.
ING on all legal issues in the contractual design of its cooperation with AXA.
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