Anja heads our Life Sciences & Healthcare group in Germany. She is a specialist lawyer for intellectual property law, admitted as representative before the Unified Patent Court (UPC) and has specialized in patent law for 20 years. Anja manages and coordinates complex, multinational patent infringement proceedings and drafts infringement and nullity opinions. Further, she negotiates license as well as research and development negotiations.
She advises on parallel opposition and nullity proceedings before the European Patent Office, the Federal Patent Court and the Federal Supreme Court. In particular, Anja represents clients from the fields of pharmaceuticals, biotech, personalised medicine and precision medicine as well as from the chemical and medical device industries and advises on related issues of digitisation. Having spent time in Geneva, Strasbourg, Tokyo and London, Anja has intercultural competence and language skills (including English, French and Japanese).
Einschränkungen der Patentinhaber im Bereich versorgungsrelevanter Produkte:
Zwangslizenzen, Enteignung und Entschädigungsansprüche, in: PharmR, mit Jan Phillip Rektorschek, 4/12/2021
Im Gespräch über Patentschutz für Corona-Impfstoff mit SWR2, 02/2021
Prozesskommentar Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz, in: 2. Auflage C.H. Beck, 2018, §§ 704 - 857 ZPO
Rechtsfolgen des Fortfalls des Patents, in: Nomos, 2007
Kommentar Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz, in: 3. Auflage Heymanns 2018, §§ 16, S. 20 - 23, S. 70 - 87 PatG
Patent Transactions in the Life Sciences - A Global Guide to Agreements in the Sector, in: 1. Auflage Globe Law and Business, 2014
Handbuch des Fachanwalts Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz, in: 3. Auflage Heymanns, 2018
Mind the injunction gap - focus on unified patent court, in: Intellectual Property Magazine, 04/2014
A doctrine of equivalents in the UPC?, in: The Patent Lawyer, 2013
Second medical use or indication claims, in: GRUR Int 2014, p. 906
Relief in IP Proceedings other than injunction and damages, in: GRUR Int, 2013, p. 773
Überprotektion durch Geistiges Eigentum?, in: Nomos, 2009
German Association of Industrial Property Law and Copyright Law (GRUR)
Association of Experts of Industrial Property Law (VPP)
International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI)
German Japanese Lawyer’s Association (DJJV)
German Japanese Society (DJG)
European Women’s Management Development International Network (EWMD)
Women in IP e.V.
“truly good”, competitor
Frequently recommended lawyer for patent litigation/ Lawyers
Law firm of the year for IP Law
Recommended Lawyer: Germany - IP - Patents
Patent Star 2024
Bronze - Individuals: infringement: "Dietrich Kamlah, Christian Lederer, Gisbert Hohagen and Anja Lunze have each played a key role in the smooth running of this case. Kamlah and Lederer are both talented leaders who can get large trial teams pulling in the same direction to try and achieve the best possible outcome for their following. They are expert problem solvers who craft arguments that will land with the judge. Hohagen comes in for praise for his “excellent legal skill, timeliness and straight-to-the-point counselling, which is always strategic and aligned with his clients’ best interests”. While Lunze takes a bird’s-eye view of issues to dispense holistic advice that also focuses on her patrons’ main concerns. "
Leading individual: Patent Attorney
Recommended lawyer for patent litigation (solicitors)
Recommended lawyer: Healthcare and life sciences
Patent star – Germany
Leading individual: ´Anja Lunze has extensive experience representing Japanese clients in German patent litigation. She drafts briefs with great care, and her deep knowledge of the relevant laws and legal theories adds great value. She is particularly strong in the pharmaceutical field, including chemicals and medical devices. She is always calm and sees things from a very objective point of view. This allows her and her teams to take a well-balanced approach. An additional advantage she has is her deep understanding of the Japanese culture, drawn from her time spent living in the country.´
Leading individual: Patent Attorney
National Leader - Germany - Patents
Recommended lawyer: Healthcare
Often recommended lawyer for patent litigation
Leading individual: Patent Attorney
Global Leader - IP - Patents
'Anja Lunze has many years of IP specialisation and her in-depth knowledge of IP law and and case law, combined with her excellent excellent writing skills make her stand out.'
"outstanding technical understanding, dynamic advice", competitor
Frequently recommended for Patent Litigation/Lawyers
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