Salary Partner
“A highly competent and pleasant lawyer with short response times”, client; “An excellent lawyer in the management of complex disputes”, competitor
Sebastian is a passionate brand lawyer with more than 20 years of experience in trade mark, design, unfair competition and copyright law. He protects and defends all features of his client’s brands – in a broad sense – and their market position.
His practice stretches from short-notice, pragmatic advice over strategic brand advice, contractual negotiations and preliminary court actions to complex high-profile litigation. Sebastian Fischoeder gained particular expertise for unconventional trade marks, such as colour marks, shape marks or slogans, and in the field of legal consumer surveys. A further focus of his practice is design law.EU Design Law Reform: a welcomed bolstering of design protection – unfortunately with legislative flaws (in German), Op-Ed, GRUR 2024, 873
Light And Shadow in Recent Judgments of the Bundesgerichtshof on Colour Trade Marks, comment on Bundesgerichtshof “Goldhase III” and “NJW-Orange” (in German), GRUR (Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht) 2022 , 364
MARQUES’ Comments on the EU Commission’s Legal Review on Industrial Design Protection in Europe, position paper to the EU Commission (Co-Author), July 2018
Form and Colour (In German), IP Competence, Vol. 15, July 2016 (supplement to ÖBl.)
Design law chapters, in: Stöckel (ed.), Handbook Trade Mark Mark and Design Law (in German), 4th edition 2024, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin
Consequences of Bad Faith Cease and Desist Letters under Unfair Competition and Copyright Law (in German), Comment on Bundesgerichtshof, judgment of 31 Ma 2012 – I ZR 106/10, K&R 2013, 192
Generic Use of Trade Marks in the Media – Claims of the Trade Mark Proprietor, GRUR 2004, 185-191 (together with Felix Hauck)
“A highly competent and pleasant lawyer with short response times”, client; “An excellent lawyer in the management of complex disputes”, competitor
Top law firm/ Top lawyer for copyright law
Frequently recommended lawyer for trademark and design law
Frequently recommended lawyer for competition law
Law firm of the year for IP Law
Recommended Lawyer: Germany - IP - Trademarks
Trademark Firm of the Year, Germany
Leading individual: Litigation
Leading individual: Intellectual Property Law
Notable practicioner
Outstanding Firm
Recommended Lawyer for trade marks
Sebastian Fischoeder, whose special expertise in colour marks and other unconventional trademarks is widely praised across the market. “Sebastian is a very experienced litigator who does an excellent job on behalf of his clients. If you have an unconventional mark, you will be in good hands with him.”
Leading Individual – Bronze
Notable practitioner – Germany
Leading individual: Litigation
Leading individual: Intellectual Property Law
Leading Individual – Bronze
Notable practitioner
Leading individual: Litigation
Sebastian Fischoeder is one of the practice’s rising stars. “Extremely knowledgeable, he can steer clients safely through highly complex lines of argument. Sebastian is becoming one of the country’s very top lawyers.”
Based in Düsseldorf, the "extremely knowledgeable" Fischoeder is an "excellent lawyer" who effectively pursues highly complex lines of arguments.
Leading Trademark Professional: The "extremely knowledgeable" Sebastian Fischoeder has become a beacon for brand owners wanting to secure their non-traditional marks: "‘he steers clients safely through highly complex disputes".
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