Frequently recommended lawyer for M&A
Robert advises on national and cross-border M&A transactions as well as joint ventures. His clients include numerous international technology companies and he also advises a large number of family businesses on governance and succession issues. Robert is Dutch and Honorary Consul for the Netherlands in Hamburg as well as chairman of the supervisory board of OHB SE, a leading German space technology company.
Frequently recommended lawyer for M&A
Leading individual: Corporate Law
Frequently recommended lawyer for M&A
"professional excellence and assertiveness, but taking into account the interests of the other side", competitor
Recommended Lawyer: Germany - Foreign Investment Control
Law Firm of the Year for Succession, Wealth, Foundations
Leading individual: Corporate Law
Global Leader - Foreign Investment Review 2022
Frequently recommended lawyer for M&A
Leading individual: Corporate
Frequently recommended lawyer for M&A
Frequently recommended: Corporate Law
Frequently recommended: Corporate and M&A
The shareholders and founders of the chemical distributor, Velox GmbH, on the sale of 100% of their shares in Velox to IMCD Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, a subsidiary of the Dutch company, IMCD N.V., the global leader in the sales, marketing and distribution of speciality chemicals and food ingredients. Velox, founded in 1993, is one of Europe's leading distributors of specialty raw materials for the plastics, composites, additives, caoutchouc, paints and coatings industries.
Press releaseCarve-out transactions
COVID-19, ESG goals and supply chain crisis likely to further boost carve-out deals
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Taylor Wessing advises Hillenbrand, Inc. on the sale of ABEL Pumps to IDEX Corporation
by multiple authors
by multiple authors
by multiple authors
by multiple authors
by multiple authors
by multiple authors
by multiple authors
by Leona Ahmed and Lacy Gratton
by multiple authors