The independent investment company PINOVA Capital (PINOVA) acquired a majority stake in AT - Automation Technology GmbH (AT) in August 2020. The international commercial law firm Taylor Wessing, led by Düsseldorf-based partner Ernst-Albrecht von Beauvais, provided legal advice to PINOVA on all questions relating to the majority shareholding. The previous managing shareholders continue their duties as managing directors at AT after the transaction and will remain with the company as minority shareholders in the future.
About AT - Automation Technology GmbH
AT is one of the global technology leaders in the field of special imaging sensors. Based in Bad Oldesloe - Schleswig-Holstein, the company develops and produces smart infrared cameras, 3D sensors and sensor solutions for process automation as well as monitoring and inspection tasks for over 15 years. AT serves various industries from automotive to plastics processing and electronics.
PINOVA, based in Munich, is an independent investment firm for equity financing of fast-growing and innovative companies in the German-speaking mid-market. The company covers the entire equity spectrum from growth capital to succession solutions in the context of majority or minority investments. With two funds, PINOVA has around €300 million of financial resources from institutional investors at its disposal for corporate investments,.
Taylor Wessing (Düsseldorf) for PINOVA Capital: Dr. Ernst-Albrecht von Beauvais (Partner, Lead Partner), Daniel Mursa (Senior Associate), Dr. Dennis Häger (Associate), Sonja Leutnant (Salary Partnerin), all M&A, Dr. Michael Johannes Pils (Partner), Thomas Vogtmeier (Senior Associate), both Employment, Pensions & Mobility, Dr. Melanie Niehren (Senior Associate, Competition, EU & Trade), Dr. Bert Kimpel (Partner), Johanna Thünnesen (Associate), both Tax, Sebastian Rünz (Senior Associate), Jennifer Pohl (Associate), both Commercial Agreements & Distribution, Dr. Nora E. Wessendorf (Senior Associate, Patents Technology & Life Sciences), Joachim Mandl (Salary Partner), Adrian Bergenroth (Associate), both Real Estate