The COVID-19 pandemic poses major challenges for many companies. In order to help the economy to manage this crisis, the German government has decided on a package of measures based on the European Commission's Temporary Framework for State aid measures to support the economy in the current COVID-19 outbreak. These range from guarantees, emergency aid and loans with KfW support to equity investments. In this respect, the German Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau offers several loan programmes since 23 March 2020, i.e. KfW Entrepreneur Loan, the ERP Start-up Loan and the Special Programme "Direct Participation for Syndicated Financing". Since 15 April 2020 KfW also offers the KfW-Quick Loan.
In a FAQ document, we answer the most important questions in connection with the support programmes of the KfW: Coronavirus SARS-COV 2: FAQ – State liquidity aid – KfW-support
We have compiled on our website comprehensive information and recommendations for action in response to the legal implications arising from the coronavirus pandemic: Coronavirus - legal issues
General overview of the sanctions regime and explaination what companies need to do now