IP (trademarks, copyright and design (including trade secrets)) - Ranked: ‘I recommend both Roland Mallinson and Magdalena Borucka. Both have excellent legal knowledge and feel like part of the team.’
Magdalena is a dual qualified senior associate (admitted in England & Wales and Poland) advising on contentious and non-contentious matters across the full range of IP rights. She is one of the go-to lawyers in the group for trade mark matters, including overall trade mark protection strategy, third-party conflicts, IP infringement issues as well as the IP-related commercial and regulatory advice.
She is the lead associate acting for some of the world's largest brands, particularly within the entertainment, media, luxury, fashion and FMCG industries. Her experience includes the day-to-day management of complex international portfolios, often consisting of well-known trade marks, drafting licence agreements, talent contracts and distribution agreements, as well as advising on trade mark, design and copyright infringement, particularly in relation to fashion.
Magdalena has considerable experience in protecting non-standard trade marks and in leading and advising on complex opposition and cancellation proceedings based on bad faith. She is also a member of the MARQUES Regulatory Team.
Making their mark, Intellectual Property Magazine, December 2018
Orchestras at odds, CITMA Review, October 2015
Teething IP problems – The tale of the Left Shark, Simmons & Simmons Elexica, July 2015
Law-abiding outlaws: The Hells Angels approach to trademark rights, Novagraaf , August 2014
Has the Premier League scored an own goal?, Intellectual Property Edition, August 2014
But first, let me take a selfie, Novagraaf, August 2014
The artist known as Pi, Novagraaf, June 2014
Hey, driver! Are you licensed to play that music?, Novagraff, Jun 2014
Keep on moving: the role of IP in the music industry, Novagraaf, Jun 2014
For those about to rock!, CITMA Review, June 2014
Celebrate World Cocktail Day with some IP drinking facts, Novagraaf, May 2014
Société des produits Nestlé SA v Mondelēz UK Holdings & Services, formerly Cadbury Holdings, and EUIPO, Intellectual Property Magazine, September 2018
Brand extension and merchandising in the music industry, Manchester Review of Law, Crime & Ethics, December 2013
Henry Martinez t/a Prick v Prick Me Baby One More Time t/a Prick, Intellectual Property Magazine, May 2018
Christian Louboutin SAS v Van Haren Schoenen BV, Intellectual Property Magazine, February 2018
The shape of things to come, Intellectual Property Magazine, December 2017
An excellent desk reference on international brand protection online, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, October 2017
Hold the Bellini, CITMA Review, October 2017
Are high heels only made for walking?, Intellectual Property Magazine, September 2017
Chocolate wars: the saga continues, Intellectual Property Magazine, July 2017
Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys
IP (trademarks, copyright and design (including trade secrets)) - Ranked: ‘I recommend both Roland Mallinson and Magdalena Borucka. Both have excellent legal knowledge and feel like part of the team.’
Intellectual Property: trade marks, copyright and designs
IP - trademarks, copyright and design: "Magdalena Borucka is always quick to give pragmatic and considered advice. A real asset to the Taylor Wessing team."
Intellectual property: trade marks, copyright and designs - "Magdalena Borucka is always quick to give pragmatic and considered advice. A real asset to the Taylor Wessing team."
par Magdalena Borucka et Louise Popple
High Court finds no infringement of Beverley Hills Polo Club marks: crowded market negates likelihood of confusion
par Magdalena Borucka et Louise Popple
NFTs, virtual goods, and services provided in the metaverse: UK IP Office issues guidance on classification
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par Jason Rawkins et Simon Jupp
par Louise Popple
par Louise Popple
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par Jason Rawkins et Simon Jupp
par Debbie Heywood